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File:nanami fishburg.jpg (224.36 KB,1440x1080)


Why do people say that cheese doesn't go with seafood?


Don't put cheese on a fish sandwich that's nasty


no one says this. there's plenty of pasta and risotto recipes that call for cheese and seafood


File:image_01948.jpg (93.49 KB,1024x768)

indirect incest kissu...


Fish don't make cheese.


File:[SubsPlease] NegaPosi Angl….jpg (239.94 KB,1920x1080)

Cultures that historically raised cattle and also subsisted on fish seem pretty rare, so I'd assume there hasn't been enough time for it to intertwine in a way that becomes second nature. I guess there's Italy as someone mentioned, but that whole 'paradise climate for the human species' thing is very limited and others had to adapt.


Anchovy Pizza
Fish Tacos
Salmon and Cream Cheese Bagel

ChatGPT says:
Tuna Casserole
Fish and Chips with Cheese Curds
Salmon with LemonDill Sauce and Goat Cheese
Shrimp and Grits with Cheddar Cheese

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