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File:KONEKO_NO_PAYAPAYA.webm (3.73 MB,900x540) [play once] [loop]


Migu monday. Only your finest migus may apply.



File:現実逃避に誘われて.mp4 (76.45 MB,1920x1080) [play once] [loop]



just realized that file is way too big and doesn't even need to be a video, oh well


File:miku.png (8.15 KB,81x116)

Migu's big fat filesize broke the kissu servers.


File:Hatsune_Miku:_Project_Mir….webm (3.06 MB,900x540) [play once] [loop]


gdgd miku


File:HNI_0047.JPG.jpg (99.06 KB,400x240)

Mirai was so cute. The little chibi characters interacting with stuff was really soothing to the spirit. Sadly the room feature that featured in so many of the games is missing from the one that came to Steam which is an arcade thing.


File:にとりの唄 MMD用のみくみく版].webm (1.67 MB,512x384) [play once] [loop]

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