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File:53959881_p14.png (189.14 KB,441x756)


a date with satori


File:56bbd78b683227224196c8a592….jpg (178.35 KB,875x1096)

Online dating with my e-gf Satori.


File:Satori Date.png (1.02 MB,1008x1440)

mindreading is a wonderful power, the best


Boy, that sounds miserable. I guess it's better than what happened with Koishi, but those two sisters always freaked me out


File:satori failure compilation.jpg (3.94 MB,3080x3536)

Satori isn't so scary once you see she's kind of a loser (thanks CDS), but her smug over reliance on her mindreading would still make her really hard and unpleasant to deal with. In that respect she's much closer to her mythological origin of reading aloud what you're thinking to fuck with you. This is why she has no friends and lives in the company of cute animals. Yamame would be much more preferable to be around.

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