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File:[Erai-raws] Medalist - 04 ….mp4 (48.04 MB,1920x1080)


the medalist


I was surprised she still got a high score, I assumed falling even once would just completely crater your score no matter how many fancy tricks you pulled off afterwards.


Yeah, think I remember them talking about how they can't risk falling so the medalist should do something simpler than the squat spin.


I mean I'm pretty sure they said it's not even novice level. It's pre-novice for people still learning how to do basic tricks.


A scoring system like that would result in lots of instant ragequits after falling, ruining the fun of the sport for everyone especially the crowd. It would be like watching a baseball game with one strike outs.


is the max score an 18?


I think the max is 10 but she got a 12.64/10 for using a legendary forbidden technique that no ice sk8er has ever dared to use before.


I have no idea how scoring in figure skating works, but it's very nice to see someone do well and for me not to care about the 3D


>competitors accumulate points based on the degree of difficulty (base value) of each technical element and how well each element is executed (grade of execution, or GOE). Skaters also earn points based on their overall skating ability and performance level through program component scores.
The difficulty of actions are given points. Partial points and Penalties occur for failing. An overall score is used by judges to grade their perofrmance in the entire set


Copied from a post on smug:
>They explain it a bit better in the manga. Each segment of the performance has a base score determined by the difficulty and gets bonuses or penalties based on the quality. Single jumps get a low base score. Quadruples and combos get big numbers. And you get a 1.1x multiplier for stuff done in the 2nd half. At higher level competitions, people are putting up 3 digit scores and one jump combo will be like 12 points after multipliers




File:[SubsPlease] Buddy Daddies….jpg (256.34 KB,1920x1080)

You did it, Miri...

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