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File:00006.png (769.47 KB,1354x614)


programming no /mahou/
9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:yoshiko.jpg (217.94 KB,850x886)

>good thing I'm stupid
D-do you like bananas too?!




File:18256620_p0.jpg (299.84 KB,1200x1200)

Bana nã


I don't actually mind JavaScript.


File:C-1719104999850.jpeg (743.86 KB,905x1280)

what programming and what languages have you done before
c++ is my favorite language of all time, but maybe you shouldn't learn it unless you are comfortable with c yet

if you want to learn c++ the best resource ever if you already know how programming works is by bjarne stroustrup and its called 'a tour of c++' and you should get the very latest edition and you should pirate it for free

with c++ you can do everything that every other language can do and you can go right in the guts of the lgnauge. with c++ you know they aren't hiding anything from you. you can look inside/ with c++ you will be the ultimate programmer

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that's the kind of username I'd use, so I approve

File:mamoru98.jpeg (87 KB,1280x720)


PC-98 is very important
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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10GET for 1.0-tan


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….png (194.43 KB,600x390)

I claim this 11 for God


File:1576559143576.jpg (50.3 KB,600x400)

12 for the mafia

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