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Install Linux on your personal computers.
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People did/do use XMPP as a protocol. They just used it re-branded as something else. The answer to this question is the same for all technology. Mainly that most people are happy to consume warmed over garbage and beg for more. They're lazy, stupid and do not care anything about quality.


This season, surely, will be the season of the Linux desktop!


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For what it's worth the same is true of IRC. Most popular multiplayer chat programs are simply IRC renamed with some simple add-ons and a web interface.

XMPP fell out of favor when voice/video chat became more widespread. But it's likely the text portion of those chat programs are still XMPP or IRC on the back end.

Basically, anything that requires you or random person to set-up a server is not normal-friendly. They will freak out about such things "leaking their IP address" but will happily use the same chat software if a corporation is hosting the server. Same reason they fear p2p stuff.

I think Zuckerberg said it best. They're "dumb fucks".


It is very funny the open source community has fragmented into many chat protocols like the early 2000s proprietary ones. I guess Matrix's trying to fix that

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Thoughts on KDE?
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For me personally the time I was using lighter desktops is when LXQT didn't even exist yet, I used the predecessor LXDE instead


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i have used KDE for almost 3 years now on different distros, most notably on arch which is the one i've used the longest. i enjoy using it and have it setup just how i like it. though a lot can be said about KDE's feature creep, it has almost every configuration one could possibly want or need. as for its bugginess, this is something that is greatly exaggerated online: i haven't had any deal breaker issues while using the same bleeding edge installation for well over a year now. at most, some minor graphical glitches that usually get fixed on the next update. as for its memory usage, despite being way more polished than XFCE they share a similar memory consumption.


libbie !


Not a fan of KDE personally. I'm more of a fan of WMs. If I have to use a DE I usually go with XFCE, MATE, or Cinnamon.


The only advanced Linux topic I've ever needed to deal with is the OS's C libraries, glibc, because I can't compile software on Mint then move it to other servers.

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I'm gonna give one of these gay ergonomic mice a shot. I just wish there was one that had that Logitech free-spinning mouse wheel thing...
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>The trackball you posted doesn't address the issue that the vertically oriented mouse is meant to address
It does and it does it better in my opinion if your concern is damage to your wrists. They are for people with that concern that don't want to give up using a mouse.

>which is the two forearm bones crossing over and coming close when your wrist is pronated. I guess you could place it on a slanted surface.
Trackballs are nearly _always_ designed this way out of the box excluding those horrible mouse+trackball combos. Look at the one I linked. See that little pad it comes with? That's for your wrist to rest on. Now take a close look at the base just ahead of it (the plastic under the ball itself). It's at a slant. So it rests flat on your table but is a bit higher in the front than in the back. I've personally found it to be perfect slant for me. If it isn't for you then you can adjust it no problem.

My wrist is totally relaxed when using a trackball. Which is more than I can say for the keyboard I'm typing this on right now. Which is a very good keyboard.

Aside from trackball+good keyboard: Chair, posture in chair and your desk set-up is a serious thing! Do not take them lightly. No kind of input device can correct bad posture or too little desk space.

I suggest having a big/deep enough desk to have room to put your elbows on the desk top and reach the keyboard. You want your keyboard pushed way back close to your primary monitor. This alone will take a lot of stress off your wrists. You want a chair with good arm rests. You want them level with the desk. You want your free to be able to reach the ground. You don't want to slouch over the desk itself.

I also high suggest old school metal shop desks. Since they're huge. Have plenty of desk space with overhangs to mount monitors and they're generally cheap and will last forever. The right desk makes all the difference. You need the room.


>So it rests flat on your table but is a bit higher in the front than in the back.
That's orthogonal to what I'm talking about.


my trackball gamer girl big sister bends my wrists back every day


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>>1548 >>1549
Am seriously considering getting one of those now, especially since I more often have pain in my wrist and the tendons in the back of my hand recently. So thanks for all the information you gave. I hope that model goes on a sale soon in my country too since 110€ is ab bit much for an experiment for me.

Model M keyboards are truly a pleasure to type with, only the sound of the keystrokes are rather drastic (Lain here seems to like it though).


If anyone else needs a quick and cheap fix for wrist pain with mouse usage, I've been using an xbone controller with a steam desktop setup and its good enough. Lets me rest my wrists and still work. Im sure a trackball would be better, but I already had it

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So there's some windows exploit thing that needs to be patched? https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/en-US/vulnerability/CVE-2024-38063
I kept my windows on an old version since updates break various things (like the pirated copy) and adds new microsoft spyware stuff so I never update my windows 10. So uhh... can I selectively patch this thing without breaking my windows installation? I need help from nerds.


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Wait, I read that you can disable IPv6 here in the network settings.
Okay, potential crisis averted and I didn't have to update.

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How's your storage looking?
I think I need to buy another hard drive with at least 10TB when Black Friday comes around again. RAID stuff seems like a good idea, but buying two of every drive is too expensive.
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People shouldn't be getting this upset about a joke post pointing out a mistyped sage...


koshitan is PISSED......


sageing for this


im obsessed to negate some sagees


Dunno how it looks but I can hear it's doing its quarterly scrub through two doors.

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Are there any better alternatives for keying out anime in video editors/software besides polygonal shaping out what you want to cut and going from there? Doing all the work to adjust the model for each frame kills me.


What is polygonal shaping? I have no experience with this stuff, I'm just curious how it works. Video editing is such a massive headache to me and all I do is move clips around

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You know I was kind of thinking about this. How long do we need to wait before we can start streaming to each other directly from our home networks? Surely with rhe increased availability of gig speeds and higher this should be possible to pull off for streams with lower viewcounts of like a couple dozen. Or is the required speed far and above what's capable of the average residential user?
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>Presumably people in large cities get the best speeds, but I'm not sure what those speeds would be.
It's pretty common for fiber connections to have equal download and upload speeds. My connection has 400 Mbps for both download and upload and seeding torrents on it is not a problem.
It's usually the cable ISPs which have bad upload speed, even in large cities with actual competition. There are like 4 ISPs available in my area and still the fiber ISP is the only one which has good upload.


You're right. The cable company is doing it because they can get away with it and most of their customers don't know what "wifi" means and actually pay a monthly fee for it. But there is a technical reason why it's so bad: Most cable ISPs are WAYYYY over sold bandwidth wise. That's how they make projects. But there are some technical reasons why they sell packages like 1Gbps download/500Mbps up. If you can get on a business grade account sometimes you can get the same down/upstream. But usually even then they aren't equal.

Thankfully, a fiber company just ran some by my house. It's much cheaper per month and it offers 1Gbps/1Gbps for what I'm paying for much less now. The only reason I haven't switched is a lot of these new ISPs put you behind CGNAT. But I run home servers that require IPv4 address. Which these new ISPs have in very short supply and don't assign to each customer in their network. Instead, you share one IP with maybe 100-1,000 other people. Which makes things like forwarding ports or running a server at home impossible without the added cost of a VPN. Even then it isn't perfect.

I'm thinking about switching or trying them out though. If they'll give me static IP I'll jump tomorrow. Cable company is robbing me and everyone else in this area and has been for years. Because they bullied their way in and got an illegal monopoly.

Are you behind CGNAT on fiber? Who is your provider?


Fiber seems nice. If my ISP map is accurate (I very much doubt it is) then it might be coming to my area in a few years. Maybe.
Well, my cable company is saying that it will be providing the fiber which is making me very skeptical. No one has any choice in this area so it's not like there's any pressure for them to do it this year or in 50 years.


>Are you behind CGNAT on fiber? Who is your provider?
Verizon Fios. Not sure about CGNAT but incoming connection works for torrent without any manual configuration.


There's layer 1 reasons why uplink is slower than downlink in residential cable. It's not just how you allocate spectrum with more bandwidth for uplink which they do do addiontaly. The Trunk amplifier off the CMTS simply has more txpower than your modem for starters (your modem would catch fire) so the S in SNR is higher. In America where you're multiplexing whole blocks worth of customers over single coax runs, the noise is an even bigger problem on uplink.
You put those two together and you end up needing, spectrum bandwidth even being equal, to encode uplink data more conservatively. So you might get 10Gbps on one downlink channel but a mere 1Gbps on a single uplink channel.

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Last year I did a bunch of experiments with Stable Diffusion image generation stuff and of course one of the first things I did was create Kuon and Aquaplus LORAs for my own personal use. Well, now for SDXL (specifically Pony which is a finetune of SDXL so that it's actually usable for this kind of thing) is now something I wish to try, I have begun the process of getting Kuon in higher quality. By that I mean, higher quality AI generations! Kuon could not be any higher quality herself!

The first step of the SDXL Kuon LORA process has begun after a week of careful image cropping, editing and tagging! Yes, you don't need to be this specific about it, but it's worth doing. I've started the style training thing before going to bed, but I still need to create a curated set of Kuon-specific images to train the concept of her appearance for the second part! It will take me another week or so to gather all those and carefully curate them, but since I'll be looking at images of Kuon the entire time it won't feel like work.
Well, assuming this first style thing works. Who knows what I'll wake up to? It could be a huge mess since I'm not quite accustomed to this SDXL stuff.
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The training on Autismmix was a failure. I mean, it's there but it's easily worse. It was my assumption that this would be the case, but it's nice to know for sure.
ALso... working on getting SDXL and my LORA working in irc and /chat/!


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Pony, or more specifically the SDXL base's higher resolution actually makes the regional prompt extension useful to me! Add in adetailer to fix the faces (although it's a crapshoot at which face is selected first with the correct prompt) and things come out quite well.
I'm not someone that will spend time inpainting and photoshop editing and stuff, so the image I generate is the image I keep. (Well, unless I'm making a thread or something but it's rare I use an AI image for that)
This isn't an ideal image since the style took a hit somehow, but wow it's pretty amazing to have Nekone and Kuon there, roughly.


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On a lark I decided to search 'Kuon' on civitai and there was in fact a Kuon LORA for Pony.
But... it's not very good. The guy has 342 models on there, so it's obvious that he does the automated mass production things which creates models that are decent enough for most people for most purposes (masturbation), but definitely not ideal. I'm not sure why anyone would make that many models, it's certainly not fun and you're creating the material that other people use to try and make money without getting any of it yourself.


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I saw another Kuon lora (civitAI search seems quite strange and didn't show this one directly) but it was disappointing to me again.
Alright, I'm refreshed enough to give Kuon the attention she deserves!
Now that I'm training a concept instead of a style the process is a little bit different. First, I'm going to separate Kuon by outfit so I can try to trigger different outfits of hers on command.
But, I'm noticing some angles are missing so I'm going to watch Kuon's charming and beautiful and amazing anime form again and carefully go frame-by-frame to collect as much visual information as I can. But, I actually do find this frame-by-farme stuff mentally exhausting so I guess this will take me a little while since there's 53 episodes to go through. They really should have made it at least 80 episodes, but I guess it was a miracle that season 3 happened at all.


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Like this, this seems like a good frame to show what it looks like from behind. If you don't provide this information then the AI will make an assumption.

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>Eagle Mode is a zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers, games, and more. This project is about a futuristic style of human-computer interaction, where the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in.

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diving into my nested pack of folders to reach my hidden stash of images of my waifu
This is actually crazy, the fact that it so smoothly loads the content feels surreal. Really makes me think on how modern file explorer software stutter and shit the bed in spite of the fact that it's so simplistic.
I wish more software would explore new ways for a way the user interfaces with it, I can guess that the typical ones we see these days are founded on a ton of trail and error from way back, but with the advances of technology I wonder if there's potential for something that wasn't possible back in the day


How the FUCK do you even go about coding something like this, let alone coming up with the idea for this. Wow.
Love the universe-esque theme too. However, such a UI, while cool to look at, would probably be hell to use. Having to zoom out/in to anything you want to use instead of maybe alt+tabbing to summon it into view immediately.


This feels like file system navigation for people that only know how to use a smartphone. It's neat but there is no way I'd use it day-to-day. It's simply too slow.

The real way forward is getting rid of the file tree all together. Plan9 and TRON got this right. No difference between local and remote files. All files in chunks that would be piped into each other without any formatting tricks. We're only stuck with what we have right now because the entire industry refuses to move beyond UNIX.


This reminded me of Project Xanadu somewhat. Instead of representing hypertext as if it were paper you navigate it in a three-dimensional space. Development started in the 1960s and it's essentially considered vaporware at this point, it has a very long and convoluted history. Some people might have heard of it because it's mentioned in Lain a few times.


This is intensely cool, with major caveats.
It really needs to cache big folders.

It actually manages to handle a 31000+ image folder, after a little bit of waiting.
Unfortunately, if you zoom close enough to a picture for it to be considered the currently opened file, you then have to wait again for the folder to load. My main image folder is 61000+ images, and it didn't even try no matter how much I zoomed, lol.
It really needs to make concessions for big folders where it just doesn't care too much about sorting or anything, just get a list, put it in a grid, and then try and handle what's in view.
Also, it breaks completely on some filenames -- tried to zoom into my Star Twinkle Precure and Prisma Illya folders, it got confused and gave up because of the star in the filenames.
I think there was also a youtube video I'd downloaded with an emoji in the filename that confused it.

If it was faster, I'd genuinely use it regularly. It does make dealing with deeply nested folder trees extremely easy, you can easily zoom around and see what's up. Navigating through folders full of images feels great, navigating into a PDF feels great, I was too lazy to go install VLC since I use mpv, so I don't know how it handles video but it seems like it'd be pretty cool there too.

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Linux and Audio.
Not a pairing that was meant to be.

I'm playing audio on two speakers and they randomly get latency on them that I can't predict
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I'll actually answer your question sorry. In Linux everything is built on top of ALSA. JACK, Pulseaudio and Pipewire are all just a way to pipe audio into ALSA -> sound card driver -> speakers. You're getting latency because pulseaudio is a really crappy sound server and has been for a long time. Hence why pipewire is the new shiny.

For pro audio applications you want JACK and nothing else. You probably want a realtime kernel to. For just listening (not production) you can get by with just ALSA. The only value is something like pulseaudio is the ability to have multiple devices plugged in at the same time. In other words one application doesn't get direct control of your sound card. You can do mixing in ALSA to (that's all pulse is doing) but you have to manually configure it. Which isn't hard but ALSA is a bit of a pain to config. Pulseaudio is easier to config but breaks randomly for no reason and has really bad latency because it's doing all the mixing with the CPU before sending sound to the sound card.

OSS is also good but rarely used anymore.

For stuff that claims to be pulseaudio only you can use apulse to pipe it into ALSA. Main one will probably be your web browser. apulse works find in my experience.

You could try pipewire but I haven't used it much (moved on to JACK years ago). It tries to be a better pulseaudio. But it's from the same developers and most of what they've created is crap over the years. But it'll no doubt be the new standard for most things like Ubuntu if it isn't already.

Having realtime kernel is more for people that do stuff like use MIDI devices or plug in guitars and other instruments.


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I don't get it, or is it that there's no sound (speech)?


yeah pretty sure that's it
remember when not too long ago for some reason my setup broke even when resetting the pc and i had to do a re-something and then everything was good even though i never tweaked it... weird stuff


pipewire just werks


Do you want to pick Linux1, Linux2, Linux3, Linux4 or Linux5
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You're just jealous that my tiktok videos get so many comments telling me how sexy I am, deskhag. No girl has ever gotten laid using Linux and that's a fact.


wouldnt use linux for anything other than servers


Every computer is a server if you're brave enough.


compensating arisu and bricking her toddlerware while she's sleeping!!!


Gentoo is actually the best and most stable desktop OS. Although it requires the person sitting between the keyboard and the monitor isn't stupid.

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I spent a really long time trying to get this working recently, so I figured I'd document what I did to get GPU passthrough working on my laptop. The steps I went through might be a bit different on other distros given that I am using Proxmox, but the broad strokes should apply. Bear in mind, this is with regards to using a Windows 11 virtual machine. Certain steps may be different or unnecessary for Linux-based virtual machines.

First, why might you want to do this? Well, the most obvious reason is that virtual machines are slooow. So, by passing through a GPU you can improve its speed considerably. Another possibility would be that you want to use the GPU for some task like GPU transcoding for Plex, or to simply use it as a render host, or you may want to use it for something like AI workloads that rely on the GPU. Alternatively, you may just want to use this to have a virtual machine that you can host Steam on or something like that (bear in mind, some games and applications will not run under virtual machines or run if you are using Remote Desktop).

0. Enable Virtualization-specific settings in the BIOS such as Intel VT-x and VT-d or AMD IOMMU and AMD-V, and disable Safe Boot (After installing your OS of choice if it requires UEFI)
1. Create a virtual machine
- BIOS should be OVMF (UEFI)
- Machine type should be q35
- SCSI Controller should be VirtIO SCSI or SCSI Single; others may work these are just what I have tested
- Display should be VirtIO-GPU (virtio); other display emulators will not work for Proxmox's built-in console VNC, or otherwise cause the VM to crash on launch.
- CPU may need to be of type host and hidden from the VM
2. Edit GRUB config line beginning with "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
- These settings worked for me: "quiet intel_iommu=on iommu=pt pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction nofb nomodeset"
- For AMD CPUs, change 'intel_iommu' to 'amd_iommu'
- Save the changes and then run 'update-grub'
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Hard drives are painful as primary storage... I wish used SSDs were as cheap and as plentiful as used hard drives...


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I think it depends on what you mean by "primary storage". All my anime and game ROMs/ISOs (when not being played) are on HDD since it doesn't need "performance" and 99.9999% of the time it sits there doing nothing. I have AI models on SSD since they get loaded and unloaded and stuff and I read that can be bad for HDDs to move that much data around regularly. SSDs and NMVe prices seem a bit better lately, but I think they're expected them to stagnate or increase unfortunately.


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Well... I'm making a backup of a virtual machine's filesystem because the virtual machine was acting erratically and not starting properly. It's virtual drive is only 80GB, but because it's on a rather slow hard drive and filesystems are often filled with tons of tiny files, in the image there it slowed down to 7.4MB/s. If the remaining ~59% go at that speed, it'll take about 2 more hours from when that screenshot was taken. The task info stopped updating though and I noticed earlier a few messages saying "Bad block medium error"... I'm hoping some hard drive errors aren't the cause of all this... My server seems to suggest that the hard drive is alright though and not likely to fail.


sigh... I think the drive really did corrupt the VM... I tried copying the .raw file that stored the VM's filesystem manually, but it stalled after having only moved 26GB over ~8 hours. I hope I can recover some of the files at least, but it seems like after ~2 minutes the VM freezes up and gets itself into such an unresponsive state that the VM process cannot be killed, requiring a full restart of the host machine. It must be corrupted in a very peculiar way because it boots fine, but then after some time, nothing can be launched and any attempt to do so results in the process hanging with no ability to force quit via key macro... Probably the worst part of all is that I cannot even SSH into the VM, if I could, I could at least try to retrieve some of the files via SFTP.



on topic sager

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Should I turn off my computer using the power switch?
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That's what I assumed you meant in my post here >>1395. I've had some weird behavior happen when I do that before, like it 'forgetting' placement of icons on the desktop and other minor stuff. It wasn't a big deal, but it demonstrated to me that it wasn't an ideal way of doing things. Maybe it was just my setup, though.
But, yeah, I'd try to shut it down through the operating system I think. The button connected to the case that's connected to the motherboard would be second place I think.


Most modern OSs will do software shutdown if you press the button on the case. Unless you hold it down for a few seconds in which case it'll cut power before a clean shut down.

9 times out of 10 it isn't going to matter. The 1 out of 10th time it might bork your entire OS install. It really depends on the OS, what it's doing at the time and the particulars of each machine. I can tell you that over the years I've had many machines have power cut due to power outage or similar reasons. Out of all of those times maybe once I rebooted into a BSoD situation.

I'm also of the opinion that there is no reason to turn a machine off ever unless your reason is security and you're running full disk encryption on it. I leave all my machines on 24/7 excluding laptops. They do not draw much power when idle and I'm of the opinion that it causes less wear to internal parts than turning them off and on all of the time. I have some computers here that have been running 24/7/365 for over 30 years now. They still work fine and will probably continue working long after I'm dead provided someone is around to care for them.

These days I've invested in UPSs but for many years I didn't use those either. The power network here isn't the best and suffers from outages nearly every winter and sometimes in summer during large storms. I've never had an issue with them going down due to power outage. But you do want to watch out for pulsing. When a line is down the power company will pulse the line 2-3 times in an attempt to bring it back up. This happens automatically. Anything plugged directly into the grid will get pulsed right along with the main line. In those cases you want to yank the power cord out of the wall and wait on the pulsing to pass. The line will either come back up and run as normal or it'll go down all together until a crew can come out and fix the problem (usually a downed power line).

For the above a cheap powerstrip isn't good protection. You want a UPS with battery backup. You want it set-up correctly to send a shut down signal to the machines hooked up to it. It'll give you 5-15 minutes of power to finish up any task you're working on and to allow the OS to shut down cleanly. You want to replace your batteries every so often. If you buy a used UPS always buy a new battery along with it.


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>I have some computers here that have been running 24/7/365 for over 30 years now
Are you running servers or something? Or is the reason you don't switch them off just for longevity? Might be cheaper to just save on electricity and replace the components. I've only ever left my computer on overnight for big downloads or processing.


You save almost nothing on electricity by turning them off. Even if you have the CPU churning away 24/7 at 100% you aren't saving much compared to them being turned off. Anyone that thinks this way hasn't personally tested it. PCs consume almost nothing compared to your dryer, hot water heater, AC/Heat and other appliances. But the ones I mentioned at the main ones in every home.
>Why do you do this?
Other than wear and tear on the parts the main reason is simple. When I want to use a machine I want to use it NOW. Not 5 minutes from now. On older machines without SSDs start up can be several minutes. Some of mine are servers, firewalls and that kind of thing. But many of them are just old desktops that I use for various purposes or just for fun.

You've seen Lain I'm sure. My living room basically looks like her bed room.

If you really want to save power you'd be unplugging everything from the wall whenever you aren't using it. Since they all draw a bit of power even when "powered off". Anything connected to the grid has a load on it.


>replace the components
Not sure if you're aware but it's impossible to replace components for some legacy hardware. I can not replace my capture card since they don't make good ones anymore. I have several dongles using proprietary DRM that allow them to control old industrial hardware. They can not be replaced. They still haven't been cracked. They will not work with a VM. If they aren't connected to the serial ports of your old 286/386 machines and don't detect some ancient version of MS-DOS they will not work. Meaning a $10-100k+ piece of industrial equipment is now totally useless. There our bounties for some of this stuff upwards to million dollars. Still no one has stepped forward to claim them. I've personally been at it myself for many years.

A lot of my machines run 24/7 simply because they're running some task. I have one desktop dedicated purely to encoding video. It has a 12 year old CPU in it now. It has stayed pegged at 99-100% load for most of those 12 years. It runs at about 75C in summer and 70C in winter if I crack open the window next to it. It's air cooled with a good aftermarket fan. The stock fan couldn't keep it below 90C and it would constantly throttle itself to keep from burning up.

One month I compared the difference between running that machine 24/7 or leaving it turned off. I didn't encode video for that entire month. The difference in my bill was like $0.50. AC and Heat are the main things that contribute to my power bill. In summer the AC adds about $90 a month and in winter the heat adds somewhere between $120-$150. I have a split duct system and not much of a house to cool/heat. I also don't run the AC or heat that much either. I keep the place about 75F in summer and 65F in winter.

All that to say. The computers cost almost nothing to run. They only start costing a lot if you're running a proper server farm with large banks of multi-core CPUs and GPUs going at full load all of the time. Even then the main cost is cooling them. Not the actual processing they're doing.

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So I was going through some of my notes and I found one where I put down some thoughts and ideas about a site specifically for discussions about programming.
I'm sort of biased towards the imageboard format of discussion, so in my head the ideal site would work sort of like an imageboard, except with no images (posts are just formatted text with code blocks and stuff and can also have images embedded in the text).

Also I really like the anonymity of imageboards, but it sucks constantly getting spam and stuff, so I think the ideal system is something like this:
>1. a system where you need to create an account (you still show up as anon when you post) and you get special privileges, like being able to post if your account is over 2 days long, being able to create threads if you've made over 10 posts without a warning, etc.
>2. allowing OP to prune posts in his thread, this way he can moderate it and stop off-topic flame wars from constantly bumping the thread
(copied from my notes)

I have some more ideas but anyway what about you? I think there's a lot to talk about when it comes to something like this
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I'm currently developing my own textboard software and I've been thinking about these issues as well. I also want to bring some features usually found on forums (even if some of them might be considered "useless bloat") but I prefer the simplicity of textboards. I don't want to introduce an account system so delegating parts of the moderation process to users might be a good idea.

Of course, any formatting/presentation feature that can help code readability (like code blocks or syntax highlighting) and code sharing is being considered.


The issue with no accounts+user moderation is abuse. It's a nice idea. But without some kind of restriction on access it can be a pain. User accounts have a known set of problems. I think it's best to have anonymous but accountable moderation. Full transparency with the ability to roll back any changes. Karma systems don't work.

Pretty much everything else from an old school forum would be nice to have. Never understand why text/imageboards are frozen in 2004. Forums offered a lot more even back then. That's why people used them. The admincp is much nicer and so is how data is stored in the database.

A long time ago I saw someone take some forum software like php and pretty much strip out everything that wasn't on your typical imageboard. Then they modified the post layouts to show attachments in-line. Maybe disabling some stuff on forum software would be easier than building an imageboard engine up. Most of them already support anonymous posting and always have. People just rarely turned it on.


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Full anonymity generally seems like a bad idea when tech stuff is involved since it's something that has become synonymous with various scams and other chicanery. The exception would be places like kissu where it's secondary, so there's already a bit of a separation.
Forums are probably a great idea and I'd love to see more people use them, but they're probably harder to establish than an imageboard these days because of the extra steps to become a poster. Well, I guess an imageboard with "accounts" would be similar, but people wouldn't feel like some unknown newbie when someone with an old join date with implied seniority has a different opinion.
Meh... it is a mystery...


I just bit this shab.


I was suggesting you used an existing forum and strip out all of that kind of stuff. It isn't very hard. On most all you have to do is click a button and delete some stuff from the templates.

Do you know HTML? Most of the time templates are just HTML+pseudo-code. You don't have "join date" and "post count" listed by posts since you just have to delete that portion of the template to hide it. Log-ins are strictly for moderation tasks and/or spam prevention. Anonymous posting can either be really open. Or you can require an account log-in but not reveal the poster's identity to the rest of the board. Or you can do both.

The imageboard engines I've worked with seem very basic and not scripted as well in my experience with them. Every owner is forced to add a lot of stuff and basic features like multiple images per post seem to always be either hard, broken or missing all together. Where as with forum software you can upload multiple attachments by default with a post. Putting the image beside/above the post itself instead of listed as a file underneath is a simple matter of editing the template and maybe some original CSS. Forums typically have more spam prevention tools built in. The moderation system for mods is more robust. Roles are clearly defined along with permissions. Lots of other stuff.

You could take the average forum software. Turn off half the features. Edit a few templates and have a basic imageboard in an afternoon. I don't understand why more people don't take advantage of them instead of using the same few imageboard scripts. Forums typically have better integration with other scripts than imageboards to. It's very easy to take something like mediawiki and share log-ins with the forum. There are already tons of pre-made solutions for things like hosting media or real time chat. Forums usually have integration options with CMSs.

The thread management options are much much better to. The only thing you'd be missing is auto-thread deletion. But that's as easy as adding a cron job with a simple SQL query.

I was surprised by how bad most every imageboard script is until I installed them myself. But I suppose a medium designed for anonymous-first doesn't need the kitchen sink when it comes to user and thread management. So it makes sense.

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Why do you make your programs take logs of activity?
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Some customers want to aggregate metadata about what users are doing with their web app and do this with some sort of cronjob that uploads logging output to some sort repository for later use. Usually for consumption in some dashboard like https://matomo.org/ It's for the bean counters to count beans and security guys to audit the systems.


the group im working for has only internal users and one developer, so I've been wondering if logs are pointless or not. Kinda sounds like it is because I don't do a lot of been counting and just want to cover my back in case of problems


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> want to cover my back in case of problems
You may still want to generate logs, my understanding of the industry "standard" for "DevSec" advises "meaningful" activity logs are kept for your applications. Even if no one uses them or requires you to upload them somewhere, it still would be a good idea to generate them. Mostly for cover your ass purposes but if the customer doesn't want or care about the feature maybe just put it in the backlog for when you need an easy day.


it's what i've been doing for a lot of the analytical tools, but since the most recent features are going to handle multiple digits of money flowing I'm trying to make sure I don't "therac" my way into a problem. Client doesn't have a good idea of software risk so have to insert my own best practices.


Wise old men at two different jobs in two different fields told me the same thing
>99% of this job is covering your own ass
Both were right.

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