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Looking at how gikopoi does some of it's media functionality...
It's been a while since I looked at how extensive browser APIs have become.

>Screen Capture API
>CSS Painting API
>Geolocation API

Browsers are practically mini operating systems.


It IS really impressive, but it's all over my head.
Doesn't surprise me too much, though, as everyone wants to add every feature to everything instead of specializing.


Javascript was a mistake


>Browsers are practically mini operating systems
Chromebooks are a thing for a reason.


Data harvesting and Google walled garden?
It's true you only need a browser if you're just gonna watch youtube and use social media though which is what most people do. Same reason why more and more children only have a tablet or a phone and no computer which is pretty sad on their behalf. They have a much harder time entering the workplace.


Smartphones/tablets are less locked-down and harvest way less data than the average school/work computer.

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I think it's time I invest in a UPS. I lost power this morning and my uptime got reset on 3/4 machines. Does /maho/ have any recommendations?
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an off the shelf one will be fine, these things will generally say X mins at full load on the packaging and you're probably not gonna run it at full load


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Off the shelf? What do you mean?


sigh cute helpless NEET...
i mean just go to like officeworks or some electronics/computer store or some bullshit and whatever brand of UPS they have you can just get it and it'll suit your needs
you dont have specialized needs
you're not a big corpo's tech guy supporting an entire server rack that needs 99.999% uptime even in hurricane season


Ohh. I thought that's what you mean, but wasn't sure. Nice, yeah, that's good to hear.


It's easiest to find used apc second hand locally and then get chink repalcement batteries.

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Are you planning on buying anything for Black Friday/Cyber Thursday?

I think I'll get another big hard drive for storing stuff and my sister is planning to buy a TV so I guess I'll look around at those, too.
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Yeah, it wouldn't make sense for it to be online.


Most important thing I ever learned from old men; "Never cheap out on anything that's between you and the ground".

So you spend good money on; Bed, Shoes, Boots, Tires, Tent, Sleeping bag etc etc.


I let my dad trick me into getting some $100 dollar "running shoes" because he believed they'd be better for my feet and they fell apart within a year or two, so I'm hesitant to spend anything beyond the bare minimum on shoes now.


well this advice obviously applies to things that aren't manufactured as "made in <your country>" when really they're cardboard crap assembled in China then sent over to be boxed up by locals before being put on the market to trick unsuspecting customers.

I recently had to stop buying boots from a company I've bought from for years because they're now selling $50 quality boots at $300+ coasting by on a reputation the company had built up for over 100 years before being bought out by a new parent company a few years ago.


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Man, I need a 3090. I wonder if people will throw some up on ebay or something when the 50xx series is revealed in January for what will surely be a ludicrous price. I'm not sure how many people would be jumping from 30xx to 50xx, though, but it's probably not many. The prices are just so damn absurd, and the 5080 will only have 16GB of VRAM and will probably be like $1700.
Come to think of it, if I get a 3090 doesn't that mean I could have my 3080 and 3090 in it together for 36GB of VRAM? I should look that up, but I'm sure I'd need a new motherboard.

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Been working on an Linux distro for the last 2 years off and on. Will probably be ready to release it to the wild at some point early next yet. I was wondering what people wanted out of a desktop/laptop OS geared toward the creation of content like audio production, video editing, programming, drawing and other forms of content creation. As we all know it's a huge pain to set-up systems for this currently.

I plan to provide a lot of things out of the box geared towards these hobbies (both production and consuming such content). A list of applications you use on the regular especially those you're forced to get from git repos and compile from source would be very helpful to me.

Current plans/status;
-Will run on Linux kernel. AMD64 is the only supported platform at the moment but should be easy to port to other archs. Technically, can run on them now with some simple config file changes.
-Kernel tuned for realtime scheduling along with many other performance tweaks
-Package manager that supports both using binaries and compiling from source. Ability to custom compile/run-time options. GUI to manage it if you don't want to use command line
-Multi-monitor support out of the box with GUI application to manage them
-New light DE based on Openbox along with some modifications I've made to it (can use most other DEs though if you want)
-A simple WM for "fall back" admin tasks when you need to fix something and the regular DE doesn't work. Or for people that just prefer a WM (ability to replace with anything you want of course)
-Consistent look and feel across Qt/gtk/other applications
-All dev and multimedia tools installed by default (but you can exclude stuff if you really want)
-ffmpeg/MLT/vapoursynth installed by default with a nice GUI application for editing and encoding video
-Various audio tools installed by default
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I'm still around just been very busy. I'm not to the point yet where I want to invest in infrastructure because it would sit unused for many months before things would be ready to go live. I also refactored this entire project again recently so I started from scratch sometime last month. But it was for the best because bending Portage to my will was getting old really fast and I was going to have to write a ton of code to make it do the things I want.

What I've ended up landing on in Guix package manager. Which does everything Portage did sans global USE flags. But those don't matter because you can write reproducible package definitions using Scheme. So it's just a matter of modifying each package to compile in or exclude what we want in the base system. I've been spending the last several weeks porting over my work from Gentoo/portage and finally got a booting system a couple of days ago that replicated most of the base config.

While you wait I highly suggest going through the guix documentation and maybe setting up a test system yourself. Since if you have a working Guix system switching over will be a simple process. You'll just have to clone one text file and rebuild your system with a simple command.


The docs are _really really_ good. The downside of this is they're so good you won't get many copy/paste snippets from google searches when you run into problems. Since you're expected to RTFM and the GNU guys only communicate and work together through the mailing lists. They're old school like that. That said I've not had any trouble myself switching over. I find it better than Nix because what is called home-manager and flakes in Nix actually works in Guix and the docs are much better. If you want Nix for whatever reason you can still have it by installing it under your ~ directory. Same goes for Flatpak and Docker and all that kind of stuff.

Another downside is the Guix people don't support non-libre software at all. Meaning driver support in the default installer for things like common wifi chips and GPUs isn't there. But it's a simple matter of changing a couple of lines in your system config to pull in the usual kernel from non-gnu channels. If yoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Funny, I was following along and I was thinking about metioning that I wouldn't be interested unless it supported things I now consider basic features like being declarative+reproducible*, and rollback/atomic upgrades, but I didn't want to try to force you to adopt whatever my own preferences are. I use NixOS right now, but I was thinking of switching to Guix anyway because I prefer Lisp. I already use emacs, so Guix+emacs+a Lisp window manager and most of my system would have nice to look at easily modifiable code. NixOS works very well but the language is gross and I find it confusing to write at times. The real benefit of Nix and NixOS is the huge number of packages and all of the pre-existing configs that have been posted all over the internet for anything you can imagine. The tradeoff is that writing your own packages kind of sucks. I have a few extra PCs, some of which run NixOS and some of which run debian, so I'm sure I could find something to install this on.


You should switch to Guix. If you want access to Nix packages you can have it anyway inside of your home folder. The reason you should switch to Guix boils down to;
-1) Home management actually works
-2) Channels actually works
-3) The language is much better

The only real draw back isn't really a draw back. It's the same issue with every GNU project: The hostility towards anything non-libre keeping away 95% of the population. Since almost no one's computer is supported by the kernel Guix ships with unless it's already 10+ years old. If you have any kind of modern GPU you're shit out of luck unless you know what you're doing and pull-in the non-gnu channels. Which are maintained by third party channels and not allowed to be discussed at all on the main mailing list.

Another issue is for whatever reason the GNU mirrors have been really really slow lately. Can't figure out why considering how much money they're getting through donations. But sometimes their website just simply refuses to load for hours at a time.

Upside is the documentation is very good. So even though there isn't an existing config for you to pull-in you should have little trouble making your own.

Someone is going to take Guix and the non-GNU channels. Put them together and make a lot of money attracting a large user base over the next few years. Since it has already solved all the issues with NixOS at a fundamental level. Mostly because it had the benefit of being developed after Nix using a proper language.

There are some questionable defaults in the default graphical installer though. Nothing but ext4 is supported by default unless you write a config file manually (and manually partition). It uses GDM as a log-in manager by default as well. Which is really slow for some reason and refuses to pick up my ~/.Xsession. Most likely because it's Gnome and Gnome is horrible. No KDE (yet) if you're into that. The Cookbook is outdated and wrong in several areas.
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If you want to try on a system that doesn't support Linux-libre kernel (or want your GPU/networking to use the manufacture drivers). This is the best .iso/installer currently around; https://github.com/SystemCrafters/guix-installer/releases

Note that post-install you'll want to remove the pinned commits from channels.scm for the non-gnu channel before running Guix pull + system reconfigure to update.

Full instructions here: https://systemcrafters.net/craft-your-system-with-guix/full-system-install/

That should give you a system that boots. If you want file system other than ext4 I think the installer can handle that if you set-up partitions manually then return to the guided install. It'll generate a system.scm config for you based on what it finds. From there you'll need to drop back to another tty to finish installation because of the Non-GNU channels. It's pretty straight forward once you've gone through it one time.

The only other thing that's different from NixOS aside from the language used for config files is the lack of systemd init. Guix uses Shepard which is lisp-based as you've probably already guessed. I haven't found anything major that hasn't been ported over yet. I like it better than systemd (but that isn't saying much. Anything is better than systemd). It's a good init system and if you're familiar with lisp you shouldn't have any issues writing your own services should it come to that. Starting, stopping, restarting and all the usual stuff isn't hard and you can actually be sure things will start in the correct order. It isn't doing any voodoo behind your back.

You should limit what you install globally through the system.scm. You can use guix install for installing packages needed on a per-user basis inside your home folder. You can set-up temp. environments using guix shell to test packages before installing them for real. Read the docs for more information on all that stuff. If you're coming from NixOS a lot of it should already be familiar to you but it's more well though out in Guix land.

Most emacs popular emacs packages are maintained in the GNPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



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With LLM AIs being the big new badass rockstar tech, when are we going to see some sort of implementation of them into games for enemy AI? At least for stealth games, the adaptability to different situations seems like it'd be able to reduce the gamey feel of sneaking past enemies and keep the player on guard more.


they outsourced AI to humans through multiplayer battle royal games, and they're not coming back


the few games currently using LLMs that i can recall were implementing them for text, like AI dungeon and the like
training them for videogames in general is something i've only seen in experiments and they were often quite janky, either failing to act according to design expectations or subverting them via unexpected glitchy cheese
at this point the above examples are ancient history but i haven't heard much since then in this regard, it still seems hard to implement and/or not particularly fun to play against
funny you say that, because the biggest battle royale today is full of bots and has had them since 2019
on top of tons of regular npc mobs

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MV3 just killed Ublock Origin
Now what, chromebros?
Are we screwed?
I don't want to download firefox
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The tech market is already in a slump and their AI Gemini isn't doing so hot and they're already known for their ads making them money so losing Chrome is a gruesome blow so I expect see them doing some rather extreme survival tactics from here on out.


My YouTube browsing habits are basically "if I watched it, I download it".
I need a bigger hard drive...

I set up my Raspberry Pi to play 4 random vids I've downloaded at once since I know local media discoverability sucks without some kind of random sort, there is shit I know I will never be able to find in the big pile of videos otherwise, and going through one by one is lame.

I suspect yt-dlp will keep working, but watch 720p and up become only for logged in users to limit its usefulness.

I have noticed YouTube on Firefox becoming slower and laggier (like, after a long session, it'll take 2 seconds to pause a video after you hit space). My immediate thought was that this was an FF problem, but it really could be Google's fault, the cunts.


Time for Google to use their data to enter the weapons industry to make up for the loss.


>immediate thought was that this was an FF problem, but it really could be Google's fault, the cunts.

If something is working correctly in FF it is _always_ "google's fault". With the chrome engine being a "living standard" they can push updated HTML to their websites and engine first and force everyone else to play catch up with them. This gives them an advantage because they can not only introduce new features they can break old ones. For example, they could push something to break the loading of media in a new version of chrome then suddenly all third party websites outside of youtube and the major social networks that got the heads up is broken in chrome. Making them out of reach of "normal" users that don't fuck around with Firefox, Linux and the small minority of users that go beyond the Apple/Google walled garden and the Microsoft botnet.

It wasn't like this in the 80s-2010s. Back then we had a standard body that updated HTML every now and again after years of public discourse which involved a bunch of different parties that included independent tech people from all over the world. This kept out things like DRM and other ways to lock content behind a wall. It also kept out things that datamined the end user.

Now Google owns the W3C and the biggest "rival" browser engine. Which just gets the same updates only on a slight delay. We also have browser engines now that refuse to display pages that aren't "trusted". So everything with a self signed certification or on plain old http looks like a spooky virus to normalfags.


>something not working correctly in FF
>they could break media in firefox
I don't know why my fingers decided to go full retard in that post. Sorry


Have you ever wondered why all the AI coding demos always use things like "Create the game of snake" or "Create a todo app"?


no, seems obvious to me


we need another tinder clone


twitch plays tinder

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If your bed takes up 90% of your room, you either need a smaller bed or a bigger room. I'd barf if I saw that interior decorating too.


But what if I spend 90% of my time in my room in bed?


Do you want to spend the other 10% squeezed against the wall?


My room is completely empty except for my bed. Bedrooms are for sleeping. I'd be fine with my room being 100% bed. I'm wasting all that room that could have been a bigger living room.


But then where do you keep your glass of water and sex toys?

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Backdoors, you say?
I avoid texting since I'm an old man that thinks phones should be phones and texting is better on computers.


My messages are encrypted fully in line with government recommendations and can only be accessed by me, US law enforcement agents, and people who are monitoring for CP.

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Thinking about buying one of those "Samsung, The Frame 55'' " TVs. There's nothing better of quality.
Good speakers and the picture quality is nice too. I watched some kissu yukkuri streams on it before my bro took it away from me.
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maybe. Does seem like a cheaper stratargy



Thinking on it a bit more I might not care for a TV at this time and I'd get more out of a sound system


Bought a pair of Klipsch R40m 200w which might be .3cm too tall for my bookshelf whatever this is called. https://www.amazon.ca/BT20A-Bluetooth-Audio-Amplifier-Integrated/dp/B07BQC7GNL/ref=sr_1_2_sspa#customerReviews
Says it over drives it(280W) at the given impedence so should work. Buying special audio equipment is weird


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I got a standard 55Inch TV for 300$ and have been fighting with sound systems.

My sound system stuff has been.... interesting... I've been trying many ways to get a 5.1 audio setup using a computer with a very avant-garde motherboard and a bunch of hacks.

So I'll wind up having 4 RM-40s which are OK but not very good at vocal clarity for home theatre.
I inheritted a Bose CD player which I hooked up to the headphone output of the TV... it has very good full range sound. But the RM40s are better with midlows and highs. So I'll blend them together.

I'll buy an 'FX 5.1 Sound Card SB1570' https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00EO6X4XG/ref=ewc_pr_img_2?smid=A31KR0810C9C89&psc=1 which should handle the sound better than the onboard card. Then I'll place speakers as such

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They might make you pay a lot but at least it is something that makes it easy
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Steam games I mean


Regular Wine works just fine. https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/wine-stable Do note that Rosetta 2 can only accelerate 64-bit x86_64 and not 32-bit because the M3 has physical hardware corresponding to 64-bit memory model.

There is a proprietary thing called Crossover which can get around this with wine32on64 and the good news is there are open source builds of said binary should you need to play with your touhous. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29987230 https://github.com/Gcenx/homebrew-wine

chu-toriaru in nihongo https://zenn.dev/okojyo21/articles/76f23cd8b45487


Not a lot of games that go for 32bit nowadays. But Yeah, older titles like touhou or VNs it might be something to consider


Mac issue with safety... Downloading my application off of the web requires 100$ apple developer subscription.

I'll probably create a script that people can run to bypass it instead since you can use the terminal to disable code signing for this program


Harks back to this comment

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Has anyone here used MacBooks for software development? What issues did you encounter in practice?
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Bought the "13-inch MacBook Air with M3 chip - Midnight".
512GB SSD and 24GB of RAM. I checked my old laptop and stuff and it's like 200GB. So if I'll probably just store archived projects on cloud storage or something


how much it cost?


with tax and converting from local currency 1575.78 USD. So it's very expensive... if I weren't well off right now I'd gamble on something I can put linux onto


will you post about how it works out for you? after some time with it


yeah. For that price I'm hoping everything will just work

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what are some human cybernetics types of technology you use to augment your powers
ill start with a strong example

everyday i use anki to help remember things, because of how memory works using space repetition is the most efficient way ever to remember things that you can put on a flashcard

its commonly used by medical students that need to remember lots of random symptoms and words and anatomy for medical school, but its also used for learning kanki, or vocabulary. I have a 'jeopardy' style deck with 10,000 trivia questions in, a professional development deck, decks for my school classes, decks for famous art pieces, and famous buildings

i have lots more technologies to talk about not just anki
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instashot or foe of the justice league?


no. girls in their bare scuddies, sometimes with penises, usually on civitai


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Do you guys have a todo list application that you like to use?
I use todooist because it syncs between my devices and the free version is fine for me
and it does all the stuff i need a todo list to do

and i have a plugin for my notes on obsidian where if you right click you can make a reminder that links your todolist and your notes.


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Do you mean an actual "to do" list? I just open notepad and keep it open on desktop, but that's probably not the best way of doing things. Physical notes in real life help, I guess.


the next useful technology i will shill is readwise that means i can save articles and links and pdfs and annotate them
and it syncs them on everything
and then it automatically exports the annotations to my obsidian notes everyday for safekeeping in a nice format thats easy to reference later

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What kind of speaker setup do you have for your computer/room/whatever? I need a new set.
My old logitech set is about 20 years old now and I hate how bulky it is and sometimes the copper wires have an interference thing that makes a big thump randomly which freaks me out.
When doing the requisite "[thing] +reddit" google search to see what humans are saying, I heard people say that speakers are so good these days that you no longer need surround sound, which seems strange to me. I really like the idea of having music all around me, and the rare game or anime with surround sound is really cool with it (Delicious in Dungeon and the crappy Geass remake were the most recent things with surround I've watched). But, I guess if most people have left 5.1 behind then maybe I should, too. I absolutely hate bass so it'd be nice if I could get rid of the subwoofer since it's so big and bulky. I'm definitely not an audiophile so I have no interest in the gold-played anti-virus cables.
So how is your setup and how do you like it?

I guess you could talk about headphones if you want, but anything placed on my head gives me a headache so I'm not a fan.
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Huh. I wonder if these are LLM posts.

Please don't sage when answering a question of mine! I only saw this by chance because I looked back into the thread to update my research.... which I don't have much to show for.

I don't know what an active dsp monitor is, but my hearing is pretty sensitive and I've never taken a TV or speaker above like 40% unless there were issues with the source, so I think that gets me some leeway.
How often do people have surround sound these days? It seems like everything people talk about is just 2.


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After actually reading up on the speakers I do have, they're quite well regarded still today.
I paid $250 for them and apparently the stuff Logitech made afterward is worse. It looks like to buy it used online it would be $400 or something if you managed to find all the parts. Someone is selling the subwoofer itself for $100 on ebay.
It's weird that a computer part I bought back in 2005 has actually appreciated in value, or maybe it's just kept up with inflation. Either way, that's neat.
But, man, I hate this giant subwoofer thing. It's a big square of annoyance.
Do I just keep these then...


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Just a pair of LSR305. They are cheap and good.

When you're looking into buying speakers check ASR reviews and measurements. Good sounding speakers also measure well. The website also contains lots of resources about the theory of acoustics preference and speaker setups.

These speakers have amplifiers built-in so you don't have to buy amplifiers yourself. I just use a 3.5mm to TRS cable directly from PC sound output to my speakers and it just works.


Dumb question, I have some studio monitor headphones that are 5 years old and either the quality has degraded or my hearing itself isn't as good as it used to be. Do good headphones degrade like that over time or no?


Probably depends on the build quality and wear and tear. Audio wires are prone to decline if they bend and twist a lot. My old pair (from like 12 years ago) sat unused for years and I tried to use them again a while back and it was just horrendous because the wires were a mess.

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So I'm trying to get Ootake to work here for playing Rondo of Blood and I'm getting stuck. I installed the bios for the PC Engine and supposedly I have the CD properly mounted, but when trying to run the game I just get "Load Error" on Ootake. Is there something else I need to be doing here to make it work?


Huh, never heard of Ootake. Have you tried any other emulators? I've never emulated PC Engine myself, but maybe there's some other programs to try?


I guess I will try other emulators if I can't get it to work in the next 30 min.


If you open the .cue file in a text editor like Notepad, what do you see? Does it reference files that are missing? In that case you might want to try getting those missing files and putting them in the same directory or getting another pre-patched copy of the game. archive.org appears to have some. Or you could get a clean rip of the original Japanese disc and patch it yourself (https://www.romhacking.net/translations/846/).
If it's the emulator that's the problem, https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/PC_Engine_(TurboGrafx-16)_emulators recommends Mednafen, ares, or Mesen.
In the past I think I was able to get a .bin+.cue rip of the original Japanese disc working by using a Mednafen (beetle) libretro core. I didn't need to have it mounted as a disc on my PC like you appear to be trying to do. I think I was able to launch it by selecting the .cue file.


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If you get it working, make this a Let's Play thread where you offer witty commentary of every level and death!


just use mednafen, no cd mounting shit needed
mednaffe is an okay frontend, or you can use the retroarch version

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