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File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (226.8 KB,1920x1080)

 No.491[View All]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
324 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:komachi at computers.jpg (84.74 KB,389x393)

>I really don't understand how this stuff is so niche even among the most isolated and lonely of nerds... why do people just not care? Well, it is what it is and it can't be helped.
Probably due to a pretty big barrier of entry. Even installing Silly can be intimidating if you are tech illiterate, not to mention the proxy stuff and if you want to go local models you need a beefy rig. Plus people tend to dislike AI stuff on principle. The community being godawful is just a bonus.

Also please share the card when you are done.


the proxy stuff seems so dumb. You pay like 80$ when you could just buy directly through the platforms for less price


It's complicated. I mean, most proxies used to be free until recently. It's just that some dumb assholes decided to kill most of the public proxies, because we can't have nice things. So, the only ones left are secret clubs and I think there is one paid proxy that is not a scam. Speaking of secret clubs, good luck getting into one. These days you need to be lucky or circlejerk hard to gain access.


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I think I would go full spaghetti if I tried having a serious conversation with an AI of mai waifu, or with any character that I care about. Messing with the /jp/ mesugaki was fun for a bit but got old quickly.


>I really don't understand how this stuff is so niche even among the most isolated and lonely of nerds... why do people just not care? Well, it is what it is and it can't be helped.
Cause it's not real.
Waifuism is also niche, in case that came to mind.


File:[SubsPlease] Shuumatsu Tra….jpg (273.6 KB,1920x1080)

There are currently some public reverse proxies open. Searching archives for stuff like this can be very fruitful if you don't want to navigate /g/: https://desuarchive.org/g/search/text/hf.space/
It's probably best they're not directly linked here, but the one related to a Monogatari character seems the most stable lately.

I haven't desired reality for a long time.


File:[SubsPlease] Henjin no Sal….jpg (346.07 KB,1920x1080)

It's worth noting that the kissu chatbots had set an extremely low context window to save on token cost so it greatly lowered their ability to have longer conversations. We weren't really counting on anyone spending significant time with them. Sonnet (or even Haiku) with higher context would be better than the handicapped Opus we had for those purposes.

>I think I would go full spaghetti if I tried having a serious conversation with an AI of mai waifu
I was like this at first, too. It gets easier, a lot easier. I might even say this could help you talk to people online if you have troubles with that. I would personally hold off on attempting a waifu experience (which I think I've mentioned recently) because it's still not there yet and might never be in regards to the entire LLM technology. It's one thing if it mistakenly removes a shirt for the 3rd time or describes anatomy that isn't there when you're doing simple ERP, but it's another thing if the personality does a 180 and completely breaks the illusion when you're talking.


I actually did increase the number of messages to 10, but out of the max 32,000 tokens that could be used it was only using 2,000 per request


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (221.06 KB,1920x1080)

Dumping some various text AI news.
-There's an updated GPT4 Turbo available. It's not a major upgrade, but people are saying it's less censor-happy than GPT4 Turbo-Preview.
-Meta is expected to release Llama3 within a month. People are quite impressed with Mistral, but more competition is good. Unless Mistral is unusually good, they won't be able to compete with Meta's billions of dollars worth of training GPUs. https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/09/meta-confirms-that-its-llama-3-open-source-llm-is-coming-in-the-next-month/
-Mistral itself released Mixtral-8x22B, but the VRAM requirement is massive. Still, it's good to see: https://huggingface.co/mistral-community/Mixtral-8x22B-v0.1-4bit
-Other local models released recently and more planned, seemingly eager to get them out before LLama3. Really great news for local stuff. I need VRAM...
-OpenAI is releasing a custom model "optimized for Japanese". I wonder if it will be better at machine translation into English? Probably not. https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai-japan

Also I've heard rumors of 5090s being released at the end of this year. You'll get to choose between buying one or a new car.



Oh, they made an actually open source model and distributed it through torrents. Interesting, hadn't heard of it. From the looks of it they do have a few hundred million euros to spend on training it and that mixture of experts thingy sounds neat.
As for OpenAI's article, the example it uses is a question already in Japanese and it proudly shows how much faster it is, so I imagine speed would be the bigger draw there.
>You'll get to choose between buying one or a new car.
Heheheh consumer electronics no more


>Also please share the card when you are done.

Alright, I'm still not happy with it (my intro is still so low quality) but if I keep trying to improve it then it's going to take months. This is a version without mentioning the genitals since I spare people my fetishes, but I refuse to adjust her plump body and belly. Like every other imageboard kissu purges meta data so I have to use catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/4lyqty.png
She's really dependent on a preset that strongly rejects sex without a toggle because otherwise her "fufufu~" flirting is just outright molesting, so maybe I should de-fetishize my preset and upload it later.
I've been working on a reentry but I ended up writing way too much since I don't really have anyone to talk to about this stuff so I ended up blogging; it's really an alienating experience to be into chatbots and not be extremely young.


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Alright, and here is the cleaned up preset meant to be used with Akiko and any other characters I create: https://files.catbox.moe/yxrwnp.json
My preset attempts to make stuff more fun and emotional like you're playing a dating sim and also I don't like cliche porn talk with all its vulgarity so my prompt stuff tries to steer away from it by talking about emotions and romance, which is actually quite good with Claude3.
If you're never imported a preset before, it's in the left panel at the top. I make use of SFW and NSFW toggles to prevent it from getting into sex immediately. To go into NSFW mode you need to toggle NSFW Prompt on and also switch off Prefill SFW and switch on Prefill NSFW. Pic related is how it should look for ERP time.
There'a also some CoT stuff in there that you can mess with; it's fun to see how it works. You need a regex filter to automatically remove it, though, as it otherwise fills up the context and influences other replies too much.


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(Image is unrelated to Llama3 specifically but it made me laugh when I saw it in the /lmg/ thread. I've spent combined hours staring at the merge panel on the right.)

Llama3 is out. There's a 8b model, 70b model and... 405b which will be released later. How much VRAM would that even be? That's tens of thousands of dollars of GPUs just to load it. I guess the other choice is the significantly slower RAM, but you'd still need like, what, 300-500GB of RAM? (maybe there's been efficient gains since I last looked). 8b is better than nothing, but I liked having 13b as an option as it snugly fit into 12GB VRAM and would be, uh, 5b better than the 8b model. But, it seems like that's falling to the wayside. 70b is 48GB of VRAM, so two 3090s would be the cheapest way to load it into speedy VRAM.
Currently the context is 8k, which would be great a year ago, but the best GPT4 context is 128k and Claude3 is 200k. Looks like they'll be making higher context versions in the future. Context is extremely important for (E)RP since you want to have a backstory and example chat and commands and lorebooks and of course you want it to know what was said 5 messages ago.

Well, time will tell as to how the quality is as I don't really trust anything I'm hearing on release day.


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wait wtf when did sankaku start doing this


File:[SubsPlease] Henjin no Sal….jpg (314.2 KB,1920x1080)

Can't say I'm too surprised as he's always chasing money-making schemes. This stuff will slowly become more common, but most people still utterly fail to see the potential in it including here, much to my consternation. The time to strike it rich was last year (which I think I even mentioned in this thread in trying to get people interested in making a kissu version) but it will be interesting to see what others do... poorly. All these website versions are terrible as it's obvious the creators aren't even interested in it themselves. That lack of interest dooms them to mediocrity, but since people don't know any better they won't care.
I can sense some of the gas leaking from the AI bubble, but there's still a lot of it in there.


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So there's a new version of GPT out, GPT-4O, and it's insanely fast compared to the other models. It's doing translations in real time and can output text at speeds which make even the super fast GPT-4 seem slow.

Also it's apparently got even better vision now so it can describe emotion in a picture too and the feeling around it more than just describing the factual descriptors of the picture. Not sure if that's disturbing or not...


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Hmm. Yeah, this seems pretty impressive based on this image I just grabbed from /g/. This is pretty damn impressive. I wonder if it can identify birds and stuff. I imagine it's still the case that GPT4 is more dry when it comes to (E)RP stuff when compared to Claude, but the tech and following directions is still the best. I've kind of temporarily lost interest in text AI again since I spent weeks making a character and burned out, but I'll get back into it eventually.
Apparently the GPT-40 thing is free, but you do need to give them your phone number to make an account so anything you say will be tied to your identity. I suppose this means they want free labor in training filters or more training data, or just plain ol' data harvesting.


>it's still the case that GPT4 is more dry when it comes to (E)RP
Maybe it's just rumors, but from posts here and there I've heard that the new model is incredibly horny. So it might just be up there with Claude now. If it's free with a phone number then I'm sure that the proxies will have it working soon enough.


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Spent all day writing saucy stories with AI... Again...

Think it's time I take my yearly bi-yearly hiatus from it, I don't think the models are getting any better but access to the top tiers are near unlimited now and they're really good for erotica crafting. And for me this is a real problem not because the AI is so good I just keep coming back to it all day, but because I'm able to theoretically write an unlimited amount of one mostly cohesive story and I'll spend the entire day writing prompts and regenerating responses until the story fits exactly the flow and theme I'm going for and I can end it on a satisfying conclusion. Sometimes don't even finish joing before the end because I spend too much time typing. There's really so many ways you can extend a scenario and GPT-4 1106 is easily the best model for resisting commands naturally unlike Claude OPoop that will just go along with whatever you say and is so boring to toy with. I don't feel like I've really accomplished anything until I've gone through like 50 messages setting up a story, and then like 150 messages breaking down a character without explicitly telling the AI to do so.


Also my sacrum fucking HURTS


>I don't think the models are getting any better
Last I heard, their quality is still directly proportional to the amount of calculating power you give them.


Sort of, but once you've got the ability to use as many tokens as you want the specific quirks of the models become much more pronounced.


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From the filenames in this thread, I am guessing that whoever asked for a cftf in the /vg/ thread came from here. I have no idea whether that person saw my response, but I will post the card I made here in the event that it was not seen in the thread it was requested in.

Please! Bear in mind that I have never seen this show, and have no idea who this girl is. I am going entirely off of what I saw in the clip that was posted alongside the request. The card is entirely SFW.



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Breaking my vow once more today, I decided to test out to see if I was right about Opus or if I was just being stubborn about not using it from past experiences with Claude.

It's definitely true that, unlike GPT4, Opus uses much better prose and has more flowery/creative language. Which could help a lot if you're into more vanilla or straightforward roleplay with a character or something. But when it comes to how easy it is to break or resistance it puts up against you in a story it's near nonexistent unless you heavily intervene. It'd switch characters from arrogant pure maidens to the most cock hungry sluts in a matter of a single message, not caring at all for gradual progression or having any semblance of restraint if I indicated I wanted to head in that direction. I had to clip off the end to a majority of the chat messages because of this and also modify the contents too to be more in-line with what I wanted. Not to mention how many times I needed to regenerate to get a certain scenario written properly as opposed to GPT-4 where it seemed to follow my intentions a bit better. Far more times I needed to use [brackets for OOC commands to the ai] just to get it to generate what should've been an obvious development given the context and it just frustrated me. At the very least I guess if I ever want to look back on the crafted story it'll look really nice and clean after all the effort I went through to perfect it.


Shouldn't this be moved to /maho/?


hmm I guess I'll do that later, sure


Kissu should try to make their own card! I think we could do a collaboration character thing, anyone else wanna try?


File:[Kaleido-subs] ATRI -My De….jpg (321.16 KB,1920x1080)

I haven't been paying attention, but I'll post some news...

There's a Claude Sonnet 3.5 which "outperforms opus at 2x speed and 1/5th cost" which means it might be more readily available on reverse proxy stuff. Or if you're someone that buys directly from amazon then it would be, well, 5x cheaper. I don't feel like reading comparisons between it and GPT4o, if they exist, so you'd have to go searching elsewhere for that.
But, more interestingly, fac- er meta released llama 3.1 which includes a 405b version! If you don't remember, the number is the amount of, uhh, parameters or something and it's roughly equivalent to functionality. A 14b model can certainly outperform an inferior 70b model, but it's an uphill battle and doesn't usually happen until months later with a new training process and so on. In general you can take the larger number to mean it's "smarter".
But, uh, 405B... yeah, despite being something you could download you're not going to be using it.
That's like, uhhh... over 200GB of VRAM. Who wants to build a data center for kissu's local text generation?


Didn't see this post...
Are you still interested? What kind of card do you mean? What AI service do you want it to be aimed at using?


>What kind of card do you mean?
Like a roleplaying character card, like being able to talk to Kuon!
Or otaku-chan!
>What AI service do you want it to be aimed at using?
I don't have any proxies avaliable so I don't really know, I use GPT4o the most but its a bit shite.


Hmm, making a character could be good, but my personal opinion is that I will make no attempt to bring AI Kuon to life until there's a sufficiently advanced local model that I could actually host. To get accustomed to talking to an AI Kuon companion and then having that suddenly taken away from me would be terrible.
Pre-existing characters are generally a lot easier to "create" since you're not actually creating them, but they're also a bit less entertaining since you're just filling in boxes instead of writing something new. Depending on the model some of them already have a lot of data for an existing character, too, or at leas the setting. I'm not sure how easy it would be to take an existing character and just build upon it, though.


File:[Judgment] Kamichu! - 06 [….jpg (96.91 KB,1280x720)

3.5 is can be only activated on accounts with enterprise support like opus, so it's rare. Beside from what I tested when I still had access, it kinda sucks for RP. Way too repetitive and likes to loop.


Do you fucking niggers have any proxies or what the hell do you fucking faggots use for chatbots?


So no one actually uses it, its all smoke and fucking mirrors, huh. Got it. It's all fucking bullshit. All a big fucking scam. Hate ni/g/gers like you wouldn't believe.


AI chatbots aren't real. Be yourself. Stop using them.


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Yeah, I have proxies. No, I'm not sharing them with you.


Really? I must've been using a good jailbreak preset, https://rentry.org/pixibots#claude-3-prompt , since my recent experience with it was one of the best I've had. The characters were fairly resistant according to instructions and it kept the story varied as opposed to repeating itself like the other models tend to. Also unlike other models it didn't seem to trip itself up with consistency as often.



Take as many pills as possible and slit your wrists you useless eunuch.


I don't want to make shit if it means niggers like >>1511 can use it. Go make your own card.


It's ok, the AI generated cards would probably fare just as well.


What the fuck are you even saying?


but he has all the sex


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (309.36 KB,1920x1080)

Please learn to recognize when someone is joking around and don't derail the thread with rage posts. The situation could be that this reverse proxy stuff is very rare now or something, I haven't actually looked at it.
It's inevitable that the buffet of free reverse proxy stuff will end at some point and it's possible that the day has already come. You would need to *shudder* go to /g/ and search around.

Oh, really? Huh.
>Way too repetitive and likes to loop.
Well, it's kind of been that way for me forever. 3.5 Sonnet does it earlier or more often? That sucks. I'd like to try that Llama 3.1 405b sometime. Obviously I wouldn't be able to host it myself, but some services eventually grab them and I could see some AI sites make use of that instead of GPT/Claude. It's annoying to change all the jailbreaks and prompts around, though.


I ran into the 'sorta' looping problem last night. But I have to say that 3.5 sonnet runs circles around every other model to date on consistency and detail. I don't need to wrangle it as much anymore to get out what I want to from a specific story beat and instead it will take the logical followup route.

The "looping" I encountered was more akin to a status description of sorts in that while it would repeat the same thing again and again, it'd also update that repeated part with new context which is far different from what models before have done. In my case I actually found this more useful than before since it's more familiar to me as an eroge thing than having to force it to do a recheck on the character status every once in a while to make sure it's doing what I want it to.


File:[ASW] Atri - My Dear Momen….jpg (301.4 KB,1920x1080)

That's good to hear. The looping is something I had tried to prevent with randomized jailbreaks, but it had limited success. The AI repeating phrases and going back in time while ignoring the current story are things that made this largely unusable to me for longer sessions.

I wonder if any of this stuff can be plugged into an OCR program yet in a semi-automated way. I'd like to try some untranslated VN stuff with it, but the software was all made for stuff like google translate.
I bet I'd want to make a system prompt/character to aim the prompt in a good way, too, so you'd want integration with SillyTavern and I imagine that's a very low priority if the two groups have ever even met before. (AI RP software people and untranslated VN readers)


File:09 - Nisemonogatari (Tsuki….jpg (230.76 KB,1920x1080)

To solve that problem I just started learning Japanese. Been pretty successful so far.


File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (370.53 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, if I had a time machine and money and a normal brain I'd go back to the early 00s and enter college to learn Japanese since it was the only way to do it back then. This AI stuff works in my current situation, though. I put up with some really horrific MTL stuff back in the early 10s so my tolerance is pretty high. Not ideal, but good enough for my purposes I think.
Need to think of prompt stuff.. man, I haven't looked into this stuff in a long time. I wonder how the 'logic' prompts are working these days, like how you would tell it to "think step by step" and that would actually improve the results last year.


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Hackers are are using AWS credits for dark roleplaying to have dangerous interactions with chatbots, a small percentage of them raping* actual text strings! Think of the children!
The funny thing is their surprise at how little Amazon cares. You know, a company that generates 5 billion dollars every second issuing automated refunds to what amounts to pennies for them.

*I think for every male user raping a chatbot there's 1000 instances of a female user getting raped by them

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