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 No.387[Reply][Last50 Posts]

A thread for random tech chatter
If your talk ends up being well thought out and has lots of replies, consider crossboard-linking your discussion into a thread
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Lenses will always be cheaper than contacts so it would make more sense to buy what I need... but man... they really did not think this through. It should be an absolute requirement for glasses to be usable with them
(pic are 2week contacts)


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This stupid technology. I have no idea how bad the image quality will be without lenses. So i might not even be able to use it if I get it. Then I might get motion sickness and have to train myself not to experience it.
My glasses are myopia grade but i have +0.75 on both eyes so at a cerain range i can't see up close

What the fuck are they doing? Do they really expect me to buy and swap lut lenses depending on if it's AR or VR?
This technology is never catching on


OH WOW so the VR set uses lenses inside and these conflict with your eye's focal length if you have myopia(nearsight) worse than 20:20 vission. This is so fucking stupid. So I guess I don't need to worry about any farsighted issues related to myopia astigmatism. So I could probably just get standard minus lenses.
PROBABLY because there's like zero information outside of Reddit anecdotes for a very common visual acuity issue
Jesus christ. what the fuck are they doing


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>I dunno if it's normal for me to not be able to read something up against my nose.
It's not. Most things are done at approximately arms length or farther. Because the screens and lenses are a fixed distance, regardless of how your brain can interpret flat images as having depth, the fixed focal length makes it hard to clearly see things that are held at extremely close distances. You can only generally clearly see things clearly beyond about 10-20cm from your face. Your eyes will struggle to focus any closer.

A few years ago there was much hope about this issue being resolved because one company had developed solid-state "vari-focal" lenses that were extremely thin (consider, to otherwise adjust focal length you need would an additional, secondary lens that moves between the primary lens and the screen, which would add considerable bulk; think about an adjustable 1-4x gun scope, for reference). Combined with eye-tracking and 3D depth information, you could therefore dynamically adjust focal length, which would greatly improve comfort. Unfortunately, it seems that technology is going to be stuck in the lab.

>I assume most people buy the glasses for AR
No. They buy they lense inserts because it is generally still the case that if you cannot clearly see something at X distance IRL, you will not be able to clearly see it in VR at said distance either.

>these conflict with your eye's focal length if you have myopia(nearsight) worse than 20:20 vission
Yes, but consider the resolvable detail within a VR headset. Most headsets are in the range of 20PPD (pixels per degree). Typical human vision is approximately 60PPD, with younger people closer to 80PPD. 40PPD is seen as the baseline for "close enough" to human vision. As such, because the resolved detail of displays and optics is so much lower than what your eyes are capable of resolving, diopter corrections within ±0.5D are likely insignificant enough to not need any correction. Greater than ±1D would likely benefit from corrective lenses. 30PPD is apparently approximately equal to 20/40 vision for reference. The Quest 3 is approximately 22PPD. The Apple Vision Pro is around 33PPD.

You can mess with these sites for a rough idea of things:
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>It's a shame, but there's no one site that provides PPD to 20/X vision measurements.
Sorry, I'm stupid and tired. The approximate PPD to diopter equation is probably something like: Diopters = 1 - PPD/60. For the Quest 3 at around 20.7PPD, that's like -0.65D. This is not a correction factor. This a rough equivalence in visual acuity between Diopters and PPD in terms of the ability to resolve detail.

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I'm feeling really, really tempted to get a 5090 even though it's a massive scam and it's months worth of savings. It's not the rational thing to do, but I do AI stuff a lot and it brings me joy. (no I don't condone AI shitting up the internet and art)
There's also 3D modeling I want to take more seriously after Palworld reignited my passion for building stuff. Obviously you don't actually need a top of the line card to do this stuff, but it does allow more geometry to be active and speeds up rendering massively. More VRAM means you can have more processes open so jumping between programs is smoother.
AAA gaming sucks apart from Capcom so that doesn't really enter the equation at all. I guess ironically retro pixel filters are known to be VERY demanding if I decide to do that. Might be more demanding on CPU, though, I can't remember.
I'm in that CG tracker that went private 5 years ago so software and assets are no issue, but man this is still such a huge amount of money.
What to do...................................................................................................................................................................
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Nice, thanks. The two yotubers I look at once in a while (gaming nexus and jayz2cents) just looked at the gaming side of things. I'm generally more interested in image/video AI more than text since text has such absurd VRAM requirements for the better models. I'm sure the efficiency there is increasing over time, or at least I hope.
I'm leaning towards getting the card, but I just learned that it's a PCIE 5 thing instead of the 4 my motherboard has. 5 is backwards compatible, but I won't get the best possible performance. I guess I could buy the card and get a new motherboard in summer or so.
No reports of its performance in 3D programs, though. I'm sure it's good, but I'd like to hear more about it.


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Yeah, I'm going to do it. I've got one life to live and blah blah blah. If this goes wrong then at least my corpse will have a smile on it.

But it's going to be more expensive than I thought, but thankfully I can do it in two increments. I need a new power supply for this and that has to happen now. However, my motherboard is PCIe 4 when the 5x series is PCIe 5. They are thankfully backwards compatible, but performance suffers. I guess I can see how bad it is, but if it's BAD then that means I need a new motherboard which means new CPU and new RAM. These are about 4-5 years old so I guess it's not unreasonable for them to be upgraded, but I don't feel like I need them so it's a bummer.


oh wait, now I see that I said something similar 2 days ago
being sick is fun


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It seems like Best Buy is only selling them online on the site itself which means I'm forced to compete with bots and everyone else on the planet. Yeah, this isn't looking good. I'm just going to assume I won't be able to buy it, but I'll check every hour.
Maybe this is for the best.


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Yeah. I hit the 'add to cart' button easily within the first minute it was up, but the scalper bots got them all first. Well, I guess the decision was made for me then.

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There's been a lot of chatter lately about Deepseek. In the online circles I'm in, people have a politics-colored understanding, more or less saying "American tech companies couldn't do this, but an opensource Chinese company could and American tech companies are in 'damage control'". Which... I really don't understand. If it's an open source model, like Llama was, for example, I don't see how this doesn't just cause there to be a proliferation of much more efficient and performant models -- the same way after Llama became available, sudden there was Phi from Microsoft, Gemma from Google, Mistral, and others.

What does /maho/ think?
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>play somewhere in the range of 10-30.
are eroge really that short? i thought a guy wouldnt exhaust the average eroge in 1--3 days


rpgmaker titles and such


dl-site popcorn porn is like 10 minutes to 2 hours while other titles that get physical disk releases can go upwards of like 60 and beyond hours, and there's a variety of just about everything in between


I guess saying AI is bad at something is considered politics now.


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>Is DeepSeek lying about their expenditure of a measly $6 million? or are the american companies lying about their high expenses just so they can pocket the rest...
The $6 million was the cost for the final viable model training run, so it's a bit misleading. It's like saying something took $6 million in raw materials. You won't be able to do anything with that unless you have the infrastructure, knowledge, personnel and other stuff that took a lot of money to get you into that position.
If it really did use a lot of data from ChatGPT and Claude then I imagine they saved a lot of money there, but I really don't know how that works. Basically if they didn't have those two to build upon then it wouldn't have been so cheap.
Going forward that means they will need better models from other companies to borrow from or they'll stagnate.

I think nvidia was just paired with the others as a group, although nvidia was also knocked down a peg by this not using CUDA which is the exclusive nvidia tech that had until now been VERY closely tied to AI. Stock market stuff is full of idiots, obviously, so anything could make value go up or down. I think the feeling of invincibility and predictability was shattered, though, and that's why it went down.

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 No.843[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Anyone else been messing around with the stable diffusion algorithm or anything in a similar vein?
It's a bit hard to make it do exactly what you want but if you're extremely descriptive in the prompt or just use a couple words it gives some pretty good results. It seems to struggle a lot with appendages but faces come out surprisingly well most of the time.

Aside from having a 3070 i just followed this guide I found on /g/ https://rentry.org/voldy to get things setup and it was pretty painless.
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It's good because it's novel


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People are dumb and easy to take advantage of. I'd be a multi-millionaire if I didn't have good morals. The internet is designed now so that these people rise to the top. It's why youtube is filled with dumb people making thousands a week stealing content from people that actually put in effort and know what they're doing.

In the last year alone I've have multiple aspiring vtubers take content I released for free and shit all over it. All because they're trying to get sponsored by Funimation/CR. So they take something we worked hard on and lie about it. Last time they took something with multiple TL notes and subtitles at the top of the screen and hid them. Then presented the subtitles at the bottom of the screen in such a way that they somehow made the offical (wrong) translation look better. In that particular scene we provided two translations. One that attempted to maintain the joke being made and another literal translation. Maybe we could have handled it better. But the one that retained the joke was kind of iffy and it was really hard to do that joke in English. So we put it at the top of the screen and a literal translation at the bottom.

In another scene they either lied or made a common mistake. Obviously they don't know Japanese. But they used it as a way to claim the CR TL was better. Since whoever did it didn't understand Japanese either.

This kind of thing isn't just limited to people trying to make youtube money either. We've had multiple people try to shut us down on places like nyaa. If you dig into who's running the place now you discover the same thing: It's all CR or former CR employees. That's why they push official translations and rips so hard these days. They're the same ones that ddos'd all the anon nyaa clones as well (after they stole the code anon provided for free to run their own).

It's a really horrible situation now on the internet. People that actually do good work are shut out of everywhere with gatekeeping. Any attempt to start up a place outside of these people's control get ddos'd into oblivion and if that fails they email your hosting provider or domain provider and shut you down that way. They steal your work, claim it as their own and then get donations from clueless people that praise them for their "hard work". These people using AI are just the same thing happening with art.
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Thank you for your hard work.



These models don't matter to me until someone trains it on booru stuff to make it palatable. There's like 50 different real life models around and I can't care enough to compare them. "Oh, that one does apples on tables better than the other one which is better at mountains."

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I like Rachelbythebay. Woman who gravitates towards the underappreciated sysadmin/glue code role in tech companies and always has a bad time of it. She's built cool things in software and hardware, such as her own monitor of her city's police radio communications that listened to all of the public channels and archived the activity. You can learn about various 'gotchas' by poring over her blog backlog. For example, empty files in unix systems marked as executable still run to completion and giving an exit code of 0 (success). Or certain numbers that come up repeatedly in log files.
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Start Often Finish rArely
>Start Often Fuck Achievements

>is a computer meant for sharing
>we are a community of around 3000 users making art, socializing, and learning on a linux server. founded in 2014 by ~vilmibm.


Blogs are probably the 'old web' thing to have survived the longest, still being relatively mainstream to this day, especially among more bookish crowds. I think a lot of it comes down to their standalone nature and emphasis on individual opinion. It's a format that lends itself well to being linked on social media sites like Reddit.



sorry for not linking, my post gets flagged as spam otherwise


It would be the last two that trigger it. It's extremely rare for short URLs (URL shorteners) to be legit and not spam so kissu blocks them.


still missing old man murray sigh

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How come there don't seem to be any majorly successful crypto payment processors? Is it because of the fact it's easy enough to send crypto already? I was pondering this and that seemed like it shouldn't exactly be the case, since I don't think I've really seen any crypto cards being accepted anywhere major like in retail stores and whatnot. Crypto transactions themselves are already mostly secure enough, but I guess you'd still need a framework for making sure the recipient and amount to send from an address is correct, also that you're the one who is initiating the transaction.

Are there other barriers that prevent their mass adoption, or is the rest mostly that people are scared of crypto?


You'd do it with your smart phone. Have a vendor with w pub key as a qr code and you'd have someone scan it and then they authorize the app to send to it. I think the major exchanges have these sorts of things already.

The problem is verification is slow.


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Ignoring the fact that crypto is highly violate and not at all usable as an actual medium of exchange for everyday goods because of that fact... Crypto transactions are just really slow. When you go to a store and use your credit card or debit card, those transactions are real-time, and were verified by some mainframe that's sole job is to process hundreds of thousands of transactions per second, from hundreds of thousands of banks and individual retailers, all while also providing suspicious transaction monitoring in that 3-5 second timeframe it takes for the card reader to say "Approved".

Blockchain transactions can take literal hours to verify, which for a vendor, you can understand would be completely unworkable. That's not to mention with cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, there are additional fees to merely have transactions be processed, which for low amount transactions could be equal to the initial purchase price itself. Suddenly a $1.29 pack of gum actually costs you $2 because of network fees -- scaled across any number of daily transactions...

These issues are why there are crypto exchanges -- cryptocurrency as a decentralized blockchain with third-party verification makes it incredibly useless in reality -- crypto exchanges act as a third-party with liquidity to side-step blockchain verification and instantly deposit the amount transacted into the wallet of other exchange members. And, naturally, on top of whatever transaction fees the cryptocurrency itself might impose, there are then also fees that the exchanges impose for their their services. Which, if you put any thought into for more than a few seconds, you will realize completely negates any of the supposed virtues of cryptocurrencies; Chain of trust? Nope, you're transacting between ephemeral virtual wallets. Decentralized ownership? Nope, all your funds exist with the pseudo-bank that is the exchange -- you do not control your wallet. Insulation from market volatility vis-a-vis the '08 financial crisis? Obviously, laughably not, crypto is extremely volatile and value is more or less directly tied to stock market performance.

If you want to use crypto for day-to-day usage, there are a million disincentives, and many more reasons to just use a debit card or credit card. To my knowledge, the only places that have seen any modicum of crypto uptake for daily usage, are countries that have such unstable currencies that the volatility of crypto isn't as bad in compariPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I'm stupid, so for other stupid people like me:


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I forgot to mention one last big issue. I touched on it by describing cryptocurrencies volatility, but forgot to go into more detail. That being: convertibility. I think this comes as something of an oversight when discussing cryptocurrency, given it's nature, but when it comes to currencies and the acceptance of foreign currency for international exchanges there is ZERO question that you can reliably use a credit or debit card in any country or when making online purchases. Occasionally there are fees imposed, particularly with in-person transactions, or with ATM foreign currency exchanges, but often international purchases have no additional fees. Again, this may come as something of an oversight, but when it comes to the ability to use an ATM, even in other countries, it's a mostly painless process to get local physical currency. ATMs are extremely numerous, and especially at international travel destinations, and airports, physical foreign currency exchanges are also very common.

This comes in contrast to cryptocurrencies because the medium is the asset. Whether it's converting between USD and CNY, or CAD and JPY, or EUR and SEK, or CHF to WON, etc. there's very little volatility in exchanges rates because on-balance, currency exchange rates are determined by international trade expenditures and revenue, foreign currency reserves, and above-all exchange rate to the US Dollar as the world reserve currency. Generally speaking, the biggest source of volatility in exchange rates tends to be as a result of domestic inflation; ergo, if your country's currency has inflation, your currency will be weaker in relation to other currencies, and thus the price of foreign goods will become more expensive, however, if you have an export-oriented economy this devaluation can make the price of domestic goods artificially cheaper for foreign buyers. So, to give an example, if Brazil has high inflation, importing foreign goods may become more expensive, but for other countries the price of agricultural products out of Brazil, such as soy beans, will decrease relative to their previous price. In the long run, these trends are generally self-stabilizing absent dramatic economic intervention by governments so that prices and exchange rates remain relatively stable. This is largely why Neoliberal economists advocate for free tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.491[Reply][Last50 Posts]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
381 posts and 164 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


We will see much more of the cons of AI proliferating than the pros.


Will or are? This half baked AI is far worse than competent AI


Think I'm done with AI. Tried to have a quick session with Opus today, which is supposedly the best model, and I spent 5 hours tardwrangling around the filters. It wasn't that fun at all and more frustrating than anything else. At the end I didn't even feel satsified when I was able to finish, just annoyed that I wasted so much time on it because it wouldn't work.

If I want to waste that much time joing then I'll just go read eroge or something. Will be a more productive use of my time.


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Huh, the Claude filter was usually defeated pretty easily with a prefill. Does this mean they changed things recently?


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I've heard there's a Chinese model out there now that people are saying is pretty good at doing general chatbot stuff, but I don't know about ERP. It's a model that you could theoretically download and run locally, but the best model is huge so you'd need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to do that.
I think the solution for the local stuff is to move away from being hyper general and instead allow it to focus on some stuff, as I wouldn't need it to handle advanced math or other languages if I just want casual chat. I'm not sure if anyone will train a model like that, though.

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I wanted to create a scam crypto whose purpose and design was to be rugpulled at an indeterminant but publicly announced point in which a random number generator that generates a new number each day landed on a certain number. At first I was thinking purely cynically in that I wanted to pull an open scam on people that they would willingly buy into knowing its a scam but try to beat each other out to cash out when the number hit anyways, but then I started thinking about it some more and someone on #qa linked me litecoin's github and I started wondering more than that too.

What resources would one need to create a cryptocurrency entirely from scratch? Obviously some coding knowledge would be beneficial, but what languages do people use to make them? Also I think it'd probably be good to read up on cryptography since the security of mining and transactions is built around that, but don't know what books are good reads for that sphere of math. That's what I think the two things one would need to make a coin are, but is there more to study up on? I was also thinking that a coin in which there was a way to figure out how to just mine infinitely by cracking the algorithm would be cool too, but not sure what that would even entail or if it's possible without making mining entirely meaningless.

I'll probably spend a year on this and then at some point finish when nobody cares about crypto anymore. But I think understanding crypto at a fundamental level would be fun.


>when nobody cares about crypto anymore
nobody cares about shitcoins now unless it's endorsed by multiple super famous celebrities, it doesn't matter how original your idea is


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Yeah but now I just want to do it for fun


Well... If you do it, you should see if you can launch your scam coin on Coinbase somehow. Every now and then they do "learn and earn" things where, for completing simple quizzes about the coin, they'll give people some of that coin for free. Could give temporary liquidity and convince retards to buy it and then you can rug pull and cash out.


>launch your scam coin on Coinbase
Exchanges are pay to play. It costs millions.


or at least a market cap of a million. the initial holders have to put in a lot of initial money to make it seem like a real hype coin.

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Why did they design the Switch 2 like this? Are they stupid?
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if you're brave enough to walk around with your laptop in your hands while playing a game, why not lmao


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There must be something we're missing. It's such an oversight that it must be more sturdy than expected... somehow. Or maybe it's uhh... actually I don't know.
I hope it's backwards compatible with switch and someone is able to crack it. Oh, and somehow Nintendo stops allowing the mountains of shovelware released to its digital store every day.


>it's backwards compatible with switch
It is *with exceptions.

>crack it
Probably, the rumors that Nintendo has been on a suing spree shutting all the Switch stuff down lately because the Switch 2 will be super similar are looking true right now. If this really is just a Switch with a bigger screen and better resolution/fps, then they're competing directly with emulators.


Think about this for a bit


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i am

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¥ new "single sign-on" service gets implemented
¥ now have to go through six (6) login screens to access my workstation
¥ same password everywhere
¥ have to enter two soft tokens, tied to the same device, same app, same screen even
¥ have to wait for them to refresh and then enter them again to access the app portal even when hardlined into the intranet
When did "security" and "inconvenience" become synonymous? Are they just hoping hackers will decide this labyrinthine series of credential checks and verification pages aren't worth the data behind them and give up?
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I don't have enough accounts to need more than one page, but I know which accounts are newer which means they're further down on the page. If you have a lot of passwords you can also just get a password booklet that's alphabetically sorted if you need it.


used to store all my passwords alphabetically in my phone notes, now I use keypass


maybe a collection of cut-up index cards


You'd have to write down each password twice in case you lost your wallet.


That's probably at the core of why everyone wants 2FA these days. People have a limited capacity for good password creation so all the long-term ones are strong but used for a bunch of accounts and all the short-term ones are super weak shit at the top of any brute force list.


I'm getting really turned on....


I need a laptop like that


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>These are also decade-plus-year old panels and CCFL. Their already low brightness and kuso color is much more degraded years later.
I've got some nearly 2 decade old Dell CCFL IPS LCDs. Love them and they work great. Their only issue is there's some small flakes of dust that have managed to get between the LCD and CCFL backlight, but it's only visible on completely white backgrounds. That and early IPS panels have some minor image retention when you leave a high contrast static image up for a white, but it goes away after a few minutes of changing screens. Mostly just an issue I notice when leaving stuff like Discord open and images are on the screen for a while.

Lovely 4:3 monitor, not a stinky 5:4. Still holds up at 1600x1200 @ 75Hz. They make for excellent side monitors.

I really wish some random boutique Chinese monitor manufacturer would make new OLED 4:3 monitors. I don't wanna have to use 16:9 monitors vertically, and 16:9 is way too wide for side monitors unless you're like a sim racer or turbo FPS gamer dork or something.


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Hm, square monitors do make more sense when it comes to the side monitor. I really like my ultrawide, though. I have two of them on an L-shaped desk and it seems to work decent enough, although it feels wasteful because it hurts my neck to actually use the far side of the side one. Square screens would feel more like a natural extension, so maybe I could look into that next time in a few years...


i have few eizo monitors....


I have been hunting down one of these Dell 2007fp monitors for a while now. I really like the aspect ratio, but have only been able to come across 19" square monitors, no larger.

There are tons available online for ludicrous prices, but I really can't justify spending any more than $30 for a decade year old monitor, especially when I've gotten every other monitor I own for free.

Did some googling and it turns out some assholes on YouTube branded it a "retro gaming" monitor (despite its considerable video delay), which likely jacked up the prices. As was the case with kuso tube televisions that were being dumped at the curb only a decade ago, but at least those don't have awful delay.

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So you think your so elite zomg cool hax0r uh? Well then let's hear YOUR genius strategy for hiding all traces of yourself from the glowies and other people that wanmt to spy on you?
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have you tried upgrading to power liches?


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Get on my level dorkmisers, I’m behind an army of death knights


just use tor and you’re good


>Haunted photos
I think this is genuinely the first time in my life I'm going to say something like this, but why didn't they translate it as "cursed images"? It's one of the rare cases where that kind of localization would've made sense.


thinkin bout using monero more, is it best to move between multiple wallets just to make sure your tracks are covered

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This may be a bit too meta for /maho/, but there's a Serial Experiments Lain exhibition in VRChat until the 19th of January, 2025.

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i mean in general its recommended to use rolling release distro if plan to game heavily on linux
>the problem with my linux machine is im on linux mint debian edition... FOUR.... so my wine version is 7.17
consider using https://github.com/Kron4ek/Conty
i am thinking about trying out debian sid for desktop usage as debian itself is quite flexible, i dislike systemd but apparently you can switch out the init on no x netinstall? its tempting


I've also had the same Ubuntu Mint install for 4 years without breaking too and everything is relatively up to date. I did upgrade it once, it went fine and I haven't bothered to do it again even though there's a newer Mint version and a newer kernel too, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to upgrade until I have to since I'm still getting security updates. Most distros that aren't niche are pretty good and stable. Anon should just use whatever they want.


i saw the lain exhibit but i couldn't find two of the hidden clues. i guess ill just watch a yt vid on it


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (317.12 KB,1920x1080)

It's a mystery exhibit?


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Every day that bitcoin crashes a wave of bliss washes over me. It's been a blissful week.
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And how is this related to /jp/ instead of /win/ you offtopic shitstirring nigger?


Oh the thread moved before I realized it lol


File:56272730_p7.jpg (186.3 KB,540x579)

Calling me a nigger, but you can't read


Again this isn't /jp/ related at all and you pulling out bullshit doesn't make it /jp/.
Stupid dumb shitstirring scum


Who graduated this week?

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i want to game.. a pc is unlikely in this moment. i like anime games that’s wut i would play.. PSP? in 2025.. is that good? What about a steam deck? I’ve had only nintendo 3ds, gameboy and ipads becuz gaming is supposed to be a boy hobby.. (~_~;) WHATS THE BEST?!?! plz
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why the hate? typing like a retard? have some kindness i need help


File:C-1736152426351.png (677.95 KB,640x480)

meeeeeeep tehe :3


The meeper!


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File:yua mail.jpg (180.85 KB,1280x720)

OP is Kusunoki Yua! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ

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