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Uhhhhh, if there's a quick answer it will be this Sunday otherwise next

The above are shows that I like from 2006 and 2007. Use the form to give others to add or post them here.


Feel like Aria is one of those impossible to stream anime. So I picked Dennou Coil.


Aria stream would put me to sleep I think, yeah. No preference otherwise. Just count me as someone that will be there, but didn't vote


I know, I slept through a quarter of it so I need to watch it again


I meant it to be multi choice


Wait, is this sticking to Sundays or switching to Fridays? Asking to confirm, 'cause it was mentioned that there'd be more people on Friday, but the form then says
>Currently it says Friday in the Title, but it's Sunday for the time being
so like wakaranai lol


I'll just decide on one of the 4 and begin preparing episodes at 1600 EST for 1800EST show.

Kind of Trending towards Emma or Dennou Coil... both 2cour with some nice stories and worldbuilding

The form says Friday and it will be Fri eventually, but Dec2 and Dec9 are the annual Tsukuyomi stream.

More people on the feedback agree with Friday. One even at 4PM EST


Ah, okay.


If no one objects I'm going with Dennou Coil for tommorow

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