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File:[MoyaiSubs] Reiwa no Di Gi….jpg (243.68 KB,1920x1080)


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Well, here we go. What a mess.
I hope I didn't forget anything


Err typo on "The Jigokuraku". Just ignore the "The"


Vote to eliminate?


No this is the keep one


No, no, vote to keep. The first one's to prune stuff and make the stream shorter at the start, this one's to decide which should stay.


i see i see


File:[Chihiro] Kono Subarashii ….jpg (284.16 KB,1920x1080)

oops I guess I should have clarified that. Yeah.


the lot of you have worse taste than the japanese themselves


File:C-1681614102334.png (522.03 KB,690x826)

very pretty graph


too bad i just ruined it


File:[SubsPlease] Kaminaki Seka….jpg (252.16 KB,1920x1080)

This poll will expire in 6 days
Ideally we'd want to remove at least four shows, although without the Oshi no Ko movie length it will be a lot more manageable, and then Bofuri will end in a couple weeks


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (233.43 KB,1920x1080)

lolim@ster too strong


File:E3xnW12XoAAEFoj.jpg (40.86 KB,630x446)

we live in a society


What the fuck happened in the second episode of the religion isekai that made it shoot up like that?


the voting ips are decently fair, if you mean that.
Item #0 and Item #10 might be inaccurate
But Item #17 seems honest


File:[SubsPlease] Kaminaki Seka….jpg (278.47 KB,1920x1080)

It was finally a real episode, I guess. It was nothing like the first one, as the starring character is finally in it and really transformed the show into something else (for the better)


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (461.25 KB,1920x1080)

You've got 17 hours left if you forgot to vote.
I'm thinking the stream can be pretty long this time, and we'll do shows in order based on voting


please someone give ousama just one more vote


my deepest thanks to the silent heroes who did so


File:[SubsPlease] Ousama Rankin….jpg (227.73 KB,1920x1080)

It was going to be in anyway back when it was at 6, it would just be near the end. The threshhold will either be 5 or 6 this time, I think


File:1681958900157.jpg (141.03 KB,1920x1715)

¥tied for second with Destroyers
Little by little, day by day, the congregation grows, expands, becomes stronger. Our Miraculous Lady of Infinite Wisdom and Heavenly Salvation Mitama-sama, Great and Exalted Goddess of the Eternal Land shall defeat the unholy empire, and together with the aid of Her Most Enlightened Messenger Urabe Yukito we will establish the Kingdom of God.


Cute toes.

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