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Time for some Kissu analytics. Feel free to offer any suggestions and I'll add them in.


What's a newsman?


one who newses


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (263.65 KB,1920x1080)

I don't really know how to describe myself. It feels restrictive...
Can I be an Elle Appreciator?


>A Linguist


i love video games! i love playing them and talking about them!

i really want to meet the one streamer here...


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im newman


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the kissu vtuber


A man, down on his luck, just trying to make his way in a cruel, cruel world


I am a gamer. Not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many.


couldn't find retard anywhere so i didn't vote


File:erikagasm.png (291.97 KB,500x500)

an autist


Do you really think Osaka could install a different operating system? I doubt she could find the boot menu on a PC


installing an os is as easy as creating a bootable flash drive and hitting next a lot


She didnt realize when a bird landed on her head


So focused on her inner thoughts!


Maybe Chiyo-chan installed it for her


stallman is such a verbal klutz


gap moe


You know, one of the most popular things in the AD threads was to speculate on what the girls would do in life, but it just hit me Osaka would totally be the "housewife" who just NEETs it up and consumes media or video games all day. She has OSRS written all over her


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gonna marry osaka


Dont the children get their intelligences from the mother


if that's the case then my sister got hers from her father


that must have happened to me as well


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where's feminist
I love women

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