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File:__amami_haruka_idolmaster_….jpg (108.71 KB,527x659)


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Just for fun


File:waterfox_O1oQkSMb0P.png (11.3 KB,381x354)

I got true neutral. I had a feeling I would


I got a tie between chaotic evil and chaotic neutral
I'm voting neutral evil anyways


File:1462665516599.jpg (8.28 KB,178x178)

Lawful Good ----- XXXXXX (6)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXX (3)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Chaos --- XXXXXXXXX (9)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXX (3)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)

I'm basically neutral.


File:Untitled.png (47.96 KB,492x784)

thought I'd get chaotic evil/neutral


File:1466615964329.jpg (872.31 KB,2250x1860)

makes sense that kissu would lie on the lower left triangle of alignments


File:__houraisan_kaguya_touhou_….png (1.04 MB,1450x1481)

Cool, I'm the same alignment as my favorite 2hu.


Wow, Shinmyoumaru is almost never featured in anything. I want to shake the hand of the guy that made that


File:Screenshot_2020-11-10 Your….png (45.47 KB,883x908)

Wasn't expecting to be true neutral, but I suppose it makes sense.


File:NeutralEvil.png (45.66 KB,1920x698)

I don't know how to read the "xxx"s below but I got neutral evil.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (319.17 KB,1920x1080)

We need some Lawful Good people here to banish the Evil...


File:true neutral.PNG (52.38 KB,996x856)

this is me


File:batman-alignment.jpg (344.26 KB,1600x1280)

Screw the rules, my alignment is Batman!


File:kissualignmentresult.png (50.38 KB,516x510)

lol 2/3rds of my non-neutral alignment questions were evenly matched.


File:bursh hulu.jpg (38.18 KB,456x527)

thought i'd get chaotic neutral and got chaotic neutral but maybe i'm chaotic good, neutral seems a bit too evil... I don't want to help people unless they are nice.


File:c102565075da2dbf81ff0831e9….jpg (126.59 KB,1200x1200)

Got a tie on true and chaotic neutral (26) and a tie on neutral and chaotic evil (23) in second place. I'm delighted.


I got Neutral Evil again.


File:Screenshot at 02-40-36.png (30.14 KB,419x392)

I am a fine line between good and evil


File:85645558_p0.jpg (1.77 MB,1518x1075)

Chaotic good. While I agree with the result, most questions have fundamental flaws. Why give money to beggars when I can teach them to fish? Is the voyage that gets interrupted to testify the same kind of voyage that will save my nation of a plague? Context and extra options are missing for a variety of questions.


Only 6 days left for this trying poll!


>Chaotic Evil : 1
Chuuni spotted


File:1571890162813.png (391.26 KB,813x689)

chaotic good because i cant help but bully people even if it's for their own good
i am a serial bullyier addicting to bullying people around me in all cases


File:1494626623025.png (168.23 KB,636x475)


True neutral, seems reasonable. I dont want to bother others and just want to live my life as stably and peacefully as possible with minimal effect on the masses.

Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXXXX (7)
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)
Chaos --- XXXXXXX (7)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXX (4)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Evil ---- XXXXXX (6)


File:Kissu-Alignment-Dec2020.png (196.23 KB,999x799)

Fun poll
Users and staff with alignments and leanings


Vermin where he belongs. How'd you determine the other arrows?


Their posts in this thread and their ``second choice``


Wonder if this has changed at all


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (448.01 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm, how so? Things were definitely a bit more chaotic back then


Feel like vermin may have moved up from chaotic evil to chaotic neutral, but maybe I'm wrong.


File:Screenshot_2023-04-24 Your….png (33.15 KB,968x828)

Last time I was true neutral (>>865) but moved to neutral good. Not sure I agree since my results seem more broadly neutral than before, although with more chaotic good than before.


File:FrgUHV9XgAE_H33.jpg (76.45 KB,718x387)

I got true neutral.


File:C-1682382983716.png (144.52 KB,1034x849)

how are you supposed to get lawful evil
all the truly evil answers are chaotic as fuck


at least i managed my goal of getting the high score for most evil and least good


File:C-1682383716752.png (189.82 KB,1151x963)

okay i did it
you have to pick some very submissive answers though
it doesn't make much sense to listen to your family or obey your rulers when your goal is to torture their souls for eternity


I'm honestly going to put restrictions on sage if you keep abusing it.


mad cuz bad


please don't force me to bump pissman


would be very chaotic evil of him


sage won't be remembered anymore for legacy ui users


my alignment is lawful janny


File:waterfox_8ZZ9ortM6l.png (11.7 KB,363x394)

This is me and I took it again and got True Neutral again. Some stuff switched around, but I don't see any major change. I'm a little more "evil" now, I guess


went through all the questions only to be not able to submit because JS block and removing the block cleared all the selections, stupid fucking site and site developers.


does that mean your going to put restrictions on your butthole


File:Screenshot_20230424_230550….jpg (164.84 KB,728x807)

Somehow scored true neutral this time although my law completely disappeared...


Ass-blasted faggot.


always the same three schizos


It's called a "core community", thank you very much.


my three schizo older sisters always beat me up every day


I don't think you understand the "Lawful" part of Lawful Evil.


i understand it to be about working within the system and keeping consistent protocols in general in contrast to tearing things up and doing whatever you feel like doing at the moment
it's that a lot of lawful answers don't feel very devilish to me

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