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File:484f64a2340c1ed182bc8cb192….jpg (341.22 KB,2400x2400)


Are you a real gamer or not, /secret/?


ghost thread


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (202.43 KB,1920x1080)

my old hobby of listening to vgm has entered the territory of the ironic memers complete with the uohhh crowd


you can tell she doms


dont like femdom


gonna show his gf my sick platinum collection so that i can take her as mine instead once she sees im the REALer gamer


Obviously, gamers are innocent creatures very susceptible to the influence of those with impure motives. It's why we try so hard to keep girls out of gaming.


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gonna 1v1 her


now THIS, this is baste


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The smug face with the purple eyes make it perfect.


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okay so it looks like this became a meme instantly like in record time
also the original is by the guy that draws that one smug imouto with big glasses:


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very good loli


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theres even art of the girl now and shes named "child gf" on danbooru. this is hilarious.


there's one for nhk, saya, spice, trains, oreimo, four for araragi, and a lot of gacha


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it's a wiki i don't know what to tell you


knowyourmeme is just encyclopedia dramatica for kohais.


if you have a better gallery then post it just saying


I think it's more than KYM is a marker of something that has lost its cool factor.
Kinda surprisd KYM allows it due to its subject matter, though, but I guess loli uooh cunny stuff is itself mainstream



he's done a pretty good job retweeting a bunch of them


and closed


if so it was DoA
sadly illegible without an account


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I can't draw.


how much 'lice would a grimm alice if alice alice alice


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waddaya know even the nuns guy made an edit


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and here's a neat compilation that was on gel (even its author got banned)


Man, I don't recognize most of this stuff. I assume most of what I don't recognize is vtubers and gacha stuff, but I'm sure there's regular games in there that I'm just too out of touch to recognize


Yeah I recognize a fair bit and there's a fair bit of vtuber and gacha stuff, but also a lot of regular games and seasonal anime you probably haven't played/seen as well.


Too fast for me. If I pause, the music is wasted.


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As an example: what is this one supposed to be?
I know the Rail Romanesque one as a VN and Black Souls is a RPGM thing, but no idea what the rest is referencing.


it's a black souls reference


Kind of bothers me that the Shirou one uses Prisma Illya when it should be the normal Illya for that Shirou.

It's a side character from the Black Souls games and one of the companions from the first one who comes back as a side character in the second except not really. He becomes a conductor and sells you black souls.

There are four BS images, which is second only to BA, in that compilation and, funnily enough, none of them use Alice as the child gf. Red and The Crawling One I get, but I didn't think Leaf love was genuine enough to get one.

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