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File:1436379414756.gif (524.54 KB,286x286)



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lots of munchies


File:working!!_01.gif (1.5 MB,400x400)


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hi laala


You know her? Please explain to me what's going on with her fingers. It looks weird and wrong. I am worried.


File:megumin_aqua_fancy_eating.gif (868.14 KB,400x379)


File:megumin_fancy_eating.gif (1.11 MB,400x315)


File:3a49c462f7b6f09715fe9ed72b….gif (1.98 MB,500x281)

Hey, can you stop breaking the munch combo? Thanks.


c-c-c-combo breaker


Nice! I wish it wasn't such a hassle to crop with handbrake or I'd make stuff like this


File:1438133924998.gif (586.47 KB,689x604)


File:1436747746691.gif (273.5 KB,189x189)


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File:megu_eating_meat.gif (4.38 MB,400x400)

just use ffmpeg directly

ffmpeg -i "[SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! S3 - 03 (1080p) [A771EECE].mkv" -sn -an -ss 00:14:33 -t 00:00:01.5 -vf "crop=800:630:0:450" -crf 12 -b:v 4000k megumin_fancy_eating.webm
ffmpeg -i megumin_fancy_eating.webm -vf palettegen palette.png
ffmpeg -i megumin_fancy_eating.webm -i palette.png -filter_complex "scale=400:-1,paletteuse" -r 24 megumin_fancy_eating.gif


File:1651579542297.gif (860.73 KB,470x554)


File:1680134498497575.gif (359.82 KB,170x160)

how ddoo iuhh ddthoo dhu krop


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (164.97 KB,1920x1080)

Sadly it's still not very good because you have no visual indication of what you're cropping.


File:1420550813308.gif (399 KB,424x240)

going to eat this post


File:konosuba_eating_op.gif (912.75 KB,700x278)

You just eyeball, with some mental math guesstimation, the first run when cropping and then rerun the command with the pixel values adjusted until you get a good crop. But yeah there isn't a good visual tool for it since it's just using the cli to run ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" out.mp4


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File:1493672334606.gif (2.69 MB,397x201)

I'll archive these munches somewhere later. You never know when desuarchive might start deleting stuff.


File:565.gif (1.34 MB,960x540)


File:eat.mp4 (1.24 MB,1920x1080)

never figured out how to crop this in time since I had to use davinci


File:ezgif-5-9a1fdac1d0.gif (945.89 KB,300x371)


File:cxdglg.gif (11.1 KB,90x53)


Not bad, not bad at all.


File:remiburg.gif (1.8 MB,378x368)


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File:ezgif-1-f1360a4ccd.gif (7.73 MB,800x450)


File:ezgif-3-e145bb7120.gif (1.73 MB,400x374)

I can do better than this.

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