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File:Screenshot_20240806_184626….jpg (645.58 KB,1080x2340)

 No.33106[Last50 Posts]

The most politically active majority: 17 year olds


Reminder that guy on the right is the same guy who sniffed Andrew Tate's seat.


Meanwhile democrats have the highest ranking military member in congress... and a nuclear enthusiast ... history techer... as the VP for Haris. An efficient party that I would endorse and they just had to kick off Biden.

And Trump has the cultists who want to rage against the machine


This Walz dude should actually be the president nominee


like, listen to this guy speak. And he doesn't even want to be a president


With a 1 seat majority in Minnesota he did:

- universal free school meals
- legal weed
- carbon free electricity by 2040
- tax rebates for the working class up to $1,300 (making under $150k per year)
- 12 weeks paid family leave
- 12 weeks paid sick leave
- banned conversion therapy
- red flag laws for guns
- universal background checks for guns
- automatic voter registration
- free public college (under $80k)
- ban on PFAS (forever chemicals)
- $2.2 billion increase in k-12 school funding
- sectoral bargaining for nursing home workers


Why do you support little somalia, person that can't even vote in my elections so everything you say is niggerish and means jackshit?


i think you need to consider that they didn't say we need to destroy israel so basically they're literally hitler allies so they can't be voted for


Anon, America is unironically a ZOG state. The puppets at the top wouldn't dare attacking "greatest ally"


The entire country above you is looking at the US as a big reality TV show where we can't vote off contestants but still watch for entertainment. Like watching Game of Thrones

The decisions they make also effect economy and our export/import choices.
If retard real estate guy wins then Castro's son might go more for Poobear export, but if Israel is Hitler wins then US export should stay the same. Helps with stock picks mostly


Failed real estate dude will also probably trigger another 4 years of Castro Jr. Since Canada always does the opposite of the US politically


I thought you faggots up north loved Castro Jr.?


why is minnesota somalia


People barely know who Polivier is so while that's true, if he's just another taxbreak conservative people will begrudgingly go with Trudeau


Probably because of Northernn state rivalry


Minnesota's unemployment: 2.7%
WI: 3.0
Mi: 3.9


Sounds like more people should live in Somalia instead of Rwanda


Honestly Rwanda (post-genocide) is probably the best example of a country pulling itself up by the bootstraps with an authoritarian president. Oh and Singapore too.


I thought the leafs loved Trudeau like he's the second coming of liberal Jesus.


Because they import a bunch of Somalians into their state. It's like Michigan having a bunch of Palestinians (Fuck you mister Ford you antisemitic cunt) in the state.


I'm not sure I'd make Rwanda a gold standard for succesful authoritatians.


He's not a gold standard but its the best example I can pull out of my ass when talking about a third-world country having an authoritarian president that managed to improve his country after a genocide of his own people.
God damn the Congo Wars are really interesting.


I'll be honest I don't like Kamala but I don't want to lose my insurance which is what DJT is threatening to do


You should, it's a good reason.


it reminds me of the first segment of this video. Pardon the thumbnail


I should what? Lose my insurance? Or vote for the chick who put black people back into pseudo-slavery and had them work in the prison system?
I mean that is pretty based, but that's a cope.


prison system slavery is just the american dream


i see a worrying lack of pro-cunny policies on this list


I mean you aren't wrong. I just feel dirty having to vote to keep my insurance alive and voting for a brahman caste woman who abused her power (but who doesn't - ah that's a cope) while in office.


government is for the people, not to feel good about yourself


like, do you think billionaires feel bad about getting the government to keep their taxes down?


listen I really don't like her, she's scummy. But I feel like I'm being pressured to vote for her because Trump is going to fuck me over, a poor white person. Do you think he cares for the poor whites? Fuck no.


The alternative is you work a job that an immigrant would be grateful for, saving money as an individual for the inevitable health issue everyone will get... or you get handouts in the hope that one day you reach the point where you no longer need them.


If a party doesn't want to give social services then they fucked up their ticket


like, how can you be pro-buisness and not want to promote mandatory benefits for workers


that's wrong actually
the government is in fact for me to feel good about myself and NOT for the people


but anonymous, you are the people


I think Trump wants to slash social security or something. So yeah, I'm being forced to vote for her because of Trump's policies.


Also wants to "renegotiate" the insurance, which really means it'll be killed.


You know what, some people can't pull themselves up by the bootstraps and all that. We really need another Nixon (sans the wiretapping)


I don't get how conservatives are like this... they want people to work hard jobs and be grateful for the opportunity to work, yet they want to prevent immigrants who will be willing to work terrible jobs for the stability a first world country provides.
The democrats are perhaps too giving on their benefits for how much they promote immigration that they could actually benefit from a bit of austerity.


But that's needless to say that the problem with liberals is that they have to be reigned in by an opposition party while torries are just retarded


>yet they want to prevent immigrants who will be willing to work terrible jobs for the stability a first world country provides.
If we're talking about America, yeah I can agree, at least the people are Catholic and are willing to do the shittiest jobs possible, hell I'm fine with them repopulating their former lands.
Like none of them are moving to Michigan so I couldn't give two shits about the border crisis honestly. Like remember when that one mayor was doing the bussing of "refugees" to New York and Chicago, like none of them went to Detroit thank fucking Christ.


I meant governor.


Even if you've got a problem with immigration from Mexico due to a lack of control and border control funding, you've already got people down there who are working on that and doing all they can with first world money. How does that effect someone off the border?

All I hear from conservatives are shit about bathrooms and border control, then they complain that the american center right wing AKA democrats are radical marxists. And they get good polling numbers.

Anglophone politics are dead. Canada will soon follow if it doesn't bootlick china.


Well they aren't exactly from Mexico, they just are arriving through Mexico for one. Most of them are like Venezuelan or Colombian or some shit. I'm pretty sure Biden told Haiti to go fuck itself.


yeah well. You should be proffiting off of them. That's my opinion. The fortune500 companies in America are getting cheap willing labor. You should get your "nepotism" cut for being born in the US


Otherwise like, what's even the point of being American if you can't reap the benefits of it?


What can you say you get out of citizenship if the country doesn't give you stuff for free?


>17 year olds
that's a stretch




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You're fucking stupid for voting.
Keep voting for the 1% who have the same neoliberal donors whether D/R, I'm sure they'll change this unsustainable system this time.
Fucking morons


Tim Walz is a pedo lover, don't worry


Non-Americans RAUS


awesome maybe we'll finally get a good verdict for loli legality


>The bill in question was an amendment to the state's civil rights law that edited the definition of "sexual orientation" to remove the inclusion of identities "not traditionally associated with one’s biological male or female traits." Several legal scholars noted that the law did not protect pedophiles from discrimination.

This is all conservatives ever do.
Bitch and moan about sex


I know, you only use pedophilia as a cudgel when you disagree
same with how you never acknowledge the age of consent in China being 13 despite being a wumao


I think we can all agree that pedophilia is bad.


the term wumao makes me lmao every time it looks so silly and i don't have a better way to express it




God I wish I had a chinese shill wife.




enough about wewlmao, and more about America politics.


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Can we?


Yes, objectively speaking it is bad.


more like says gae lol


what are you a fag?


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Hey I'm not the one announcing how I'm 'so gay' to the world here


You're the one mentioning faggotry, I'm here talking about how I don't like chomos and people who actively take part in harming children.


File:[HorribleSubs] Gabriel Dro….jpg (90.84 KB,736x720)

Why so buttupset? Maybe try taking the dragon dildo out of your anushole and it'll stop shining rudolph red


Countries that should be escaped from:
- South Africa
- UK
- India
- Israel
- Mexico
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Venezuela
- North Korea(lol)
- Hungary
- Balkans & Greece
Countries that you might want to consider leaving
- Most African countries
- Most Middle Eastern countries
- Canada
- Australia
- Germany
- Small SEA countries
- South America
- South Korea
Countries that have it all
- Japan
- China
- Nordics
- EU


All of those countries below are dogshit.
Japan and China are in a decline.
Nordics and the EU might as well be an Islamic Caliphates.


None of this matters. All that matters is if people are OK with it. If you notice the countries I listed as "escape from here" which are technically first world have some sort of issue where people are not looking for real solutions to economic issues but are trying to battle one another over social issues. A civilization which fights over social issues has doomed itself because there are no resolutions to those.


The only thing that matters in a country is income inequality. None of this stuff about migrants or whatever matters. The only other thing that matters is if you're going to get murdered by a long range guided bomb


Frankly, this is the only reason I strongly hope that democrats win. Because people who fight over social issues just drag a country down with them


>Countries that have it all
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


now go post that on social media while in china


It would suck to not be able to speak your mind.
But at the same time, I don't want religious people to speak their mind either.


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The only reason to even consider leaving the US would be if the government started to crack down on human rights and civil liberties stated in the constitution, which they can't do. Even assuming that Trump/Reps won the next election you need a super majority to pass constitutional amendments, which they will never get in a million years. Also the EU having it all is laughable when considering that most Euro countries that don't have their own resources rely on the US for economic sustenance and especially defense. The only country safe in a time when the US decides to become isolationist again is the US. If the US is a place you should consider leaving, then consider leaving any country that relies on it. So that just leaves the Nordics and Japan.


what are you talking about.. France is still a colonial power, Switzerland is literally America done right, Belgium and the related areas are the capital of the EU. Poland I think is kind of iffy as is Italy. The rest of the EU is in the Balkans


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Portugal and Spain are great places to live and they're so far away from conflict. They've been dealing with integration between Muslims and Christians for about 1000 years so they're used to it.

Czech related are not too great as is Romania, generally East Europe is not terrible unless you're in Hungary or Moldova


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Aren't the Swiss Nordic too or am I mistaken...

And from what I've seen of Belgium it's one of the worst bureaucratic hellholes on earth. I don't know too much about the French but the only time I've been to Paris I absolutely hated it.


People complain that the Nordics are getting used for their social programs, but they have a lot of resources and energy so it's not like they can't afford it.


Even the French hate Paris.


yeah the resources thing is why nords are good


Swiss, Norway, Finland and Denmark are Nordic


But what do the other countries have that make their economies sustainable without the US around... I guess I don't really know but I'm pretty sure if the US collapses so does most of Europe given historical precedence.

That's what I thought.

Also China looks disgusting so I hate it.


oh yeah forgot to say i detest the idea of not being able to speak your mind more than i do religious people speaking theirs


Do you hear yourself man?


People like you are the tyrants that Thomas Jefferson said needed to water the tree of liberty.


at the very least with free speech if things look wrong people can speak out about it and go against dogma

without free speech you must deal with tyrants whenever they're in control suppressing all opposition


Uniformity has it's own charm


you're basically religious at that point
just without the god part


it's a hit or miss thing. in some places politics is really not as important as maintaining the status quo and leaving individuals to advance their own agendas


Actually I like religion as a way of converting lay people to uniformity


You brought up a good point I've thought about for a while about the use of religion in the world. Uniformity has its charm but not when forced upon you. Religion gives people that uniformity and a reason to follow it without forcing everyone around them to, at least in America.


The only downside is you have to listen to the ranting of religious zealots but that's a small price to pay for the freedom to not follow them, and without free speech/expression or freedom of religion you easily could land in a situation where those zealots do take control and enforce the laws of their religion on you.


if you're going to hate the way that uniformity is pushed onto people in modern collectivist societies then you should just say you hate asian society. The way China does it isn't enforced by state, but cultural norms that China choses to build it's state around


but it is enforced by the state if the state depersons you if you don't conform


I hate Asian societies and I wish we could return back to Indo-European Gods of the past instead of this faux god YHWH


Asian societies are far more succesful than American influenced ones and Europe and the EU are closer in model to China than they are the US. EU can trade among themselves and use diplomacy, China uses a centralized beurocracy


it's somewhat ironic that you would laud china for basically being the asian version of the uk socially


You don't know anything about the UK. I have lived in the UK and it is a highly religious country


actually not the case but they're both essentially using social credit as a means of punishment


atheistic scholarly pursuit of religion for the sake of studying it and not trying to become closer to God is the most faggot up the ass thing I've heard all day.


I can't hold a discussion with someone who rejects the facts of what the UK is. A country with lots of farmland, no resources, a mess of right wing politics and constant complaints about it's failed history as a genocidal superpower


not as gay as the sound of your bum squelching on that dildo still stuck in your bumhole while you rock back and forth in front of your dad to get some more milk to drink


Hell, you probably think that europe needs the US because you think that Europe is UK


Congrats, that is the gayest thing I've read all day.


yeah so please stop


i don't reject any of that


I'm not the one writing about gay sex.


though i was wrong to compare china and the uk so closely when the only thing i was comparing was how they both seem to have social credit


Yeah, you're actually doing it, gaylord.


The only gaylord here is the one talking about riding cocks and shit.


File:4f8d3d70fb9343b4fda3fbd195….jpg (1.63 MB,1000x1400)

did someone say GAY SEX?


This >>33274 is big into the homosex


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Um, you know it's gay even if you don't talk about it, right?


But I don't do gay shit so I don't know what you're on about, fagoloa


People can only be happy in a highly centralized state that provides people with the freedom to entertain themselves however they want.


You're literally doing it right now just because you lie about it doesn't make it not gay...........

It's not called being in the closet because there's an actual closet...........


If you're not allowed to put skeletons into video games because of government regulations then people can't entertain themselves however they want.


Could you stop obsessing over non-facts?


That's democratic because Chinese people won't buy your game if you're being spooky


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As soon as you stop obsessing over how your dad's dick compares to every other anon you let use your public anal urinal.


What if there were a few people that would buy it?


Why do you support government censorship?
What the fuck are you even on about



I'm not on anything compared to your bussy bounce castle.


^ this guy is a fag


It's a mix of "the government doesn't want to encourage spiritualism" and "people don't want skeletons in China". But I'm not really sure because it's not a cut and dry topic. There are bigger things to complain about in terms of China.



That's even worse.....
>What laws are on the books?
>It’s impossible to know what pressure the Chinese government might be exerting on game companies behind the scenes, but in terms of public censorship regulations for games, the relevant regulations are here. Specifically, the Ministry of Culture forbids:
> Gambling-related content or game features
> Anything that violates China’s constitution
> Anything that threatens China’s national unity, sovereignty, or territorial integrity.
> Anything that harms the nation’s reputation, security, or interests.
> Anything that instigates racial/ethnic hatred, or harms ethnic traditions and cultures.
> Anything that violates China’s policy on religion by promoting cults or superstitions.
> Anything that promotes or incites obscenity, drug use, violence, or gambling.
> Anything that harms public ethics or China’s culture and traditions.
> Anything that insults, slanders, or violates the rights of others.
> Other content that violates the law

You could basically make the case for banning entertainment of anything the government doesn't like.


It's funny that you can call China a totalitarian country where you're not allowed free thought, yet tech billionaires appear out of China and it has a lot of innovation.

China doesn't allow some things, but gives people freedom to do a lot with the rest.


If I was wavering on the topic before now I'm even more adamantly against China.


I think tech billionaires are scum of the earth that should be strung up, same with venture capitalists and bankers.


Gambling has always been used by organized crime to subvert the government. GLORIOUS China is smart enough to regulate it


Any country that has the ability to crush art doesn't deserve to exist.


Slit your wrist wumao dog


death to australia


I actually agree with that one...


The only good countries are the US and Japan and even then I have my reservations about both.


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Where did this sudden idolization of China on the English internet come from? As people from the anglosphere, politics aside, I really don't think you would enjoy the day to day culture of a Chinese country and especially not the PRC.
Pretty much the only thing V and the CPC agree on is opposing religion, but a lot of Chinese people believe in woo he'd probably hate.


well actually I don't know how free expression is in nordic countries so maybe I could be argued for those too


Art is a tricky thing. The more the government wants to prevent people from otherthrowing it's authority the stricter it gets.

China is not on USSR levels but it is strict. It's ironic that Russia has a lot of art but it's only because Russia has no idea what it's doing and survives on a lack of population density and lots of land control.


>The more the government wants to prevent people from otherthrowing it's authority the stricter it gets.
Too bad, authority needs to deal with challenges. Art is not a tricky thing because it's my only absolutist stance on anything in this world.


They don't have freedom of expression and saying stuff like "Those Muslims are raping women" is considered hate speech (when its reality.)


The only reason that life has any value is because of art.


Uh, they have genshin impact?


Is all the japanese inspired gaacha games not art? What are you looking for in your art?


Yeah, China has some media (I don't really care for Gatcha so never tried Genshin).


Is it lacking vtubers and ecelebs?


You know what China really needs... CELEBRITY GOSSIP


But if people are not allowed to make any type of art there is a problem.


It's lacking freedom. Why is it that every fucking webnovel need to suck the PRC cock?


That was rhetorical.


Where's the Ikuhara of China? The Satoshi Kon of China? Where's anyone that challenges societal norms in their art.


The social challenge is only an illusion. There's no social challenge in the US, there's just people going back and forth with no change.


oh wait
> Anything that harms the nation’s reputation, security, or interests.
> Anything that harms public ethics or China’s culture and traditions.
> Anything that promotes or incites obscenity, drug use, violence, or gambling.
that's right can't oppose the norms that's illegal


I'm surprised Twitter demanding they add niggers to Genshin Impact hasn't been a thread here ww



Who gives a shit about twitterniggers talking about niggers being put in a Chinese video game?


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What do you mean, sudden? It's been a thing for years now, especially from dengists who see it as contributing towards global economic progress.
I do think a lot of the constant attacks on China have pushed people towards supporting them, like "BASED CHINA OWNING THE LIBS HELL YEAH."


Social challenge doesn't exist. There is no such thing as social change and progress.


China will grow larger.


its funny and caused the english VAs to boycott


I agree it's funny, but it's twitter screenshot /v/ tier shit.


There is unless you're a moron that lives only in the current era.
-Civil Rights didn't exist
-Neither did Women's Rights or Feminism
-Abolishment of Slavery not a thing
-Gays are still locked up for being gay


China didn't give a shit about Korean anti-feminism. They won't give a shit about Blacks not being in Genshin. China is a country that absolves itself of social "progress" by refusing to participate


Although on some reform the pendulum swung a bit too far in the other direction we probably should still have mental institutions for people too mentally crippled to function without being thrust onto the streets. Terry Davis would probably still be alive if not for that.


>capitalizing black
Holy shit dude get a fucking grip you fucking leaf.


I don't believe that things are good in the US because of any ideas of freedom. The US has the highest levels of freedom but it still lags behind other countries in social progress.

Social progress is not about politics, but about rejecting religion and letting things be done through interactions with others


Why is it that the US is so free to do whatever yet you can go to France and basically anything... even to a degree some underaged stuff... is allowed


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could be worse


Dengists used to be the (second) most derided leftist subtype on the western internet.
It really went nuts after Xi.
The US has destroyed most of its own social fabric with hyperindividualism and the resulting atomization so it makes sense people think social issues are the problem. People are unhappy and thus ODing to the point of morgues being full in some areas, 41 qualifies as obese, autism rates are skyrocketing etc. Something went seriously wrong in the 21st century and people are trying to find out why, a lot of people thing its social culture and or libertarianism.


Social progress is not entirely about rejecting religion. That's a fabrication of your own mind. It assumes that the lay person can function in a society without it. There's a reason why new age religion was started, because people realized that religion aids in societal cohesion, but the toxic elements of religion are a drawback on society. The issue though is that these toxic elements are what drive people to exist in these religions in the first place.


Actaully, I should take back what I said. I'm replacing China and France on this list >>33235
Even despite the riots and some issues with right wing crap it's still got a lot going for it


>bitching about religion causing social problems
What is this, 2006?


Oh wait, nvm. I put down EU so France is already included. I'd rather move it up into a seperate country rather than EU


More like reddit, amIrite?




what was the first


Yeah France is dirty and rude, but I can't deny that their freedom of expression from what I've seen is fairly good. Don't know about speech though, and the EU is notoriously bad at taking 1 step forwards and two steps back in regulation so maybe they have the general EU issues still. But maybe not.


Unironic juche proponents.


It's spelled that way on the site, you don't spell 4chan like 4Chan right?




¥spelling reddit like reddit does
As expected of our top redditor.


you're supposed to capitalize propper nouns


Fuck it, I'm moving to France.

Later all


I don't use reddit outside of like Jumpchain pdf documents every once in a while.
Personally I don't give a shit anymore, 4chan might as well be a twitter/reddit/newfaggot colony so who fucking cares.


yeah but you need to know french to do that


The way people online just move to other countries is a trip to me.
Don't you want to stay near your family at the very least?


I personally think the promotion of CJK pop culture in the west is to get us to all burn rice


c'est du gâteau


honestly, real French is like listening to Tokyo dialect Japanese. You wouldn't want to listen to Japanese farmers. That's like Quebecois


if you like your family sure... My parents have to get used to not being parents.


>You wouldn't want to listen to Japanese farmers.
Rural dialect is a genre of H-Audio, so obviously some people do




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all good dubs deserve to be checked


too many norms have congregated around japanese media so the true otaku crowd needs a new southeast asian culture to idolize


Those otakus should off themselves if they want to shill for the PRC and the CCP.


Thanks, Kana.
>southeast asian
The Philippines? Indonesia?


I want nigger death


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The man who was NTR'd too hard.


goo[s |][/s]ner


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/secret/ faps to bbc...

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