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File:Screenshot_20240806_184626….jpg (645.58 KB,1080x2340)

 No.33106[View All]

The most politically active majority: 17 year olds
155 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Where's the Ikuhara of China? The Satoshi Kon of China? Where's anyone that challenges societal norms in their art.


The social challenge is only an illusion. There's no social challenge in the US, there's just people going back and forth with no change.


oh wait
> Anything that harms the nation’s reputation, security, or interests.
> Anything that harms public ethics or China’s culture and traditions.
> Anything that promotes or incites obscenity, drug use, violence, or gambling.
that's right can't oppose the norms that's illegal


I'm surprised Twitter demanding they add niggers to Genshin Impact hasn't been a thread here ww



Who gives a shit about twitterniggers talking about niggers being put in a Chinese video game?


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What do you mean, sudden? It's been a thing for years now, especially from dengists who see it as contributing towards global economic progress.
I do think a lot of the constant attacks on China have pushed people towards supporting them, like "BASED CHINA OWNING THE LIBS HELL YEAH."


Social challenge doesn't exist. There is no such thing as social change and progress.


China will grow larger.


its funny and caused the english VAs to boycott


I agree it's funny, but it's twitter screenshot /v/ tier shit.


There is unless you're a moron that lives only in the current era.
-Civil Rights didn't exist
-Neither did Women's Rights or Feminism
-Abolishment of Slavery not a thing
-Gays are still locked up for being gay


China didn't give a shit about Korean anti-feminism. They won't give a shit about Blacks not being in Genshin. China is a country that absolves itself of social "progress" by refusing to participate


Although on some reform the pendulum swung a bit too far in the other direction we probably should still have mental institutions for people too mentally crippled to function without being thrust onto the streets. Terry Davis would probably still be alive if not for that.


>capitalizing black
Holy shit dude get a fucking grip you fucking leaf.


I don't believe that things are good in the US because of any ideas of freedom. The US has the highest levels of freedom but it still lags behind other countries in social progress.

Social progress is not about politics, but about rejecting religion and letting things be done through interactions with others


Why is it that the US is so free to do whatever yet you can go to France and basically anything... even to a degree some underaged stuff... is allowed


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could be worse


Dengists used to be the (second) most derided leftist subtype on the western internet.
It really went nuts after Xi.
The US has destroyed most of its own social fabric with hyperindividualism and the resulting atomization so it makes sense people think social issues are the problem. People are unhappy and thus ODing to the point of morgues being full in some areas, 41 qualifies as obese, autism rates are skyrocketing etc. Something went seriously wrong in the 21st century and people are trying to find out why, a lot of people thing its social culture and or libertarianism.


Social progress is not entirely about rejecting religion. That's a fabrication of your own mind. It assumes that the lay person can function in a society without it. There's a reason why new age religion was started, because people realized that religion aids in societal cohesion, but the toxic elements of religion are a drawback on society. The issue though is that these toxic elements are what drive people to exist in these religions in the first place.


Actaully, I should take back what I said. I'm replacing China and France on this list >>33235
Even despite the riots and some issues with right wing crap it's still got a lot going for it


>bitching about religion causing social problems
What is this, 2006?


Oh wait, nvm. I put down EU so France is already included. I'd rather move it up into a seperate country rather than EU


More like reddit, amIrite?




what was the first


Yeah France is dirty and rude, but I can't deny that their freedom of expression from what I've seen is fairly good. Don't know about speech though, and the EU is notoriously bad at taking 1 step forwards and two steps back in regulation so maybe they have the general EU issues still. But maybe not.


Unironic juche proponents.


It's spelled that way on the site, you don't spell 4chan like 4Chan right?




¥spelling reddit like reddit does
As expected of our top redditor.


you're supposed to capitalize propper nouns


Fuck it, I'm moving to France.

Later all


I don't use reddit outside of like Jumpchain pdf documents every once in a while.
Personally I don't give a shit anymore, 4chan might as well be a twitter/reddit/newfaggot colony so who fucking cares.


yeah but you need to know french to do that


The way people online just move to other countries is a trip to me.
Don't you want to stay near your family at the very least?


I personally think the promotion of CJK pop culture in the west is to get us to all burn rice


c'est du gâteau


honestly, real French is like listening to Tokyo dialect Japanese. You wouldn't want to listen to Japanese farmers. That's like Quebecois


if you like your family sure... My parents have to get used to not being parents.


>You wouldn't want to listen to Japanese farmers.
Rural dialect is a genre of H-Audio, so obviously some people do




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all good dubs deserve to be checked


too many norms have congregated around japanese media so the true otaku crowd needs a new southeast asian culture to idolize


Those otakus should off themselves if they want to shill for the PRC and the CCP.


Thanks, Kana.
>southeast asian
The Philippines? Indonesia?


I want nigger death


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The man who was NTR'd too hard.


goo[s |][/s]ner


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/secret/ faps to bbc...

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