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Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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I think I've finally been able to get over my self hatred and I know I can do anything.
Arigato and maybe I'll come back in a year or less, but I think I've grown. I don't need to go into details but I feel like I can just go out into the world and conquer what little sliver of it that I can.
God bless kissu frens. My friends really are here, so that's why I have to set off to find more frens.


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Take care! Good luck with the real life thing, but do remember to visit once in a while.
We'll be here.


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Ganba, Anon!


Aufwedersehen freundliche Fräulein!

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The cicadas are emerging and singing. Watanagashi is here


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Something interesting is that their defense mechanism is "predator satiation" which means that they coordinate their emergence in these massive groups because the predators eat their fill and simply can't eat all of them. They're slow, can't fly well and it's the end of their life cycle anyway.
Unfortunately, like all nature news it's coupled with information that humanity is screwing things over by paving over their emergence sites and climate change is screwing up their synchronization. Hooray!


damn, pancakes are pretty tough

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Kissu, if we banded together and create a community of homesteaders, we could essentially create a nation of /qa/!
I did the math, the minimum amount of land that one needs to homestead would be 10 acres, if just 10! 10 of us were to band together and put money into this (in theory) we could have 1.5625 square miles of land that we could create. The great kissu meetup...
Of course all of this is theoretical, I want to apply my distribution ideals into this and have all of us working together and sharing the collective food (individually grown, but when a neighbor is suffering you can provide upon them.)
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I look down on you all as well though.


You don't understand. Grass grows by itself, all you need is rain... And anyway we are talking about cattle rustling not rearing, we only need enough grass to keep the cows we steal them alive until we eat them or sell them.


You would have to times that by 10 as well. As each person would be operating on his own in his own house with his own tractor. I think this idea could work but only in an Amish/cult kind of way where we use limited technology and all work together, but that does not sound fun.


Why is collaboration out of the picture, again?


All I'm planning on doing is raising sheep/goats, and owning a couple draft-horses/asses so I can make my own bread.
I understand the barriers to entry, that's why I'm making it my goal in life to do it.
I made this thread because I wanted to express what my goals were at the time, but they still haven't changed.
God speed everyone, I'm going to make enough money to buy my own land.

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6 Hours of night here in Iqaluit Nunavut
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That's surprising, drinking is one of America's indigenous communities' favorite pasttime


People often say this about such places but really there is loads of things to do anywhere you are. You can watch anime or read or do weird things like model making and bird watching anywhere and in places like that you could explore and do snow things as well. What exactly is there that you cannot do aside form work in corporate offices? Why would you want to work anyway?


What if they live like the amish in indigenous tribes? Where using electricity goes against the culture, and you'd be hard pressed to find any interesting model making opportunities.


Then it won't matter where they are in the first place.


In these sorts of places you get to know everybody and variety in social experiences doesn't exist. These sorts of insular communities get suffocating.

I can't speak for experience that this is negative, but that's what a lot of people say in these cities with few people and lots of distance from others.

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Isn't a Quesadilla just Mexican grilled cheese?


Now I'm hungry, but yes I guess it is.
chicken quesadillas are so good


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isn't grilled cheese just an american croque-monsieur?


No, what you're thinking is a grilled ham and cheese.

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oh... i can see why this might have been confusing. This mp4 was taken from twitter and unlike many other sites twitter streams their video clips like YouTube so that people can't download them or maybe reduce the bandwidth required to serve them.

Either way it requires the browser inspector to get the stream link + an FFMPEG rule or some VLC hackery


just use youtube-dl dude


you can do it with a few command line arguments though


and youtube dl isn't going to work on twitter videos


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you sure about that

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Heat death of the universe? More like heat death of me because it's nearing summer again

(yes I'm aware the theory is about loss of heat)
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Bah, why can't you just appreciate Sachiko..
If everything is equalized there's no localized areas of heat, so it's gone. There's no mountains if everything is the same height, there's no heat if there's nothing left to create differences

Sometimes a stupid thread is just a stupid thread


>Bah, why can't you just appreciate Sachiko..
Call me the party pooper because my bowels are ready to unload, motherfucker!


Heat death of you because its nearing summer? More like heat death of me because of how hot Sachiko is.


Personally I'm all about the universe going through that big ol' rip LET IT RIP BABY


It's the same kind of thing if you think about it as not being able to reduce your local entropy by shedding heat.


I know this from my favorite anime Super Cup


How far back is "Traditional Okonomiyaki" because there was a decent amount of Western ingredients there. I'd be interested to learn the path that stuff like Worcestershire sauce or smoked hickory wood took if it really did become part of a recent tradition


While there were earlier equivalents, okonomiyaki as such is a 20th century invention, by which point Western ingredients were already well established in Japan.


In a strict sense, only rice and seafood can be considered traditional Japanese food.
Pretty much everything else are imported from foreign cultures.


space debris


Can't believe you stole my post.


apparently it already landed near the Maldives islands


Can't believe you stole my post.


the post or the rocket?

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I like coffey,
and not like the drink


My body is so weak to drugs I even react badly to caffeine.

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Good luck finding these where you live heh
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I've had multiple people mostly from Mexico and other parts of South America tell me it's not meant to have beans and they most surely wasn't chilli peppers either. I also thought chilli came from Mexico because a Mexican told me so, have I been lied to this whole time by the Mexican?
Well I'm from Canada so we kinda did? Though the Bristish did most of the work...


chili sold in america are called "chili with beans" because chili itself doesn't have beans
it really stands for the mixture of tomato + beef + chili pepper
>Well I'm from Canada so we kinda did?
seems that copypasta about canadian cultural identity is true


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This makes me hungry for hashed browns. Mm, potatoes.
I don't really under the food purity thing the thread devolved into, but I don't understand food snobs in general. You're performing a very primitive biological impulse and it shouldn't be used to create and intensity social divides. But, people are tribal so I guess it's fruitless to struggle against


There are a few places around my area, usually beer breweries that sell this, but it has a real hipster tax.

I enjoy those cheesy taters so much that I learned how to make them myself, and I usually hate cooking anything.


>Well I'm from Canada so we kinda did
That's like saying the chinese won the vietnam war.
That's like saying the Russians won WW2 by defeating Japan.
Canada has never once won a single war in it's entire history as a country. Hell Canada isn't even a sovereign country because it bows to the Queen lmao shut the fuck up countrylet.

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Is this desert?


No, but at least it isn't plains




thank goodness for that


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the hell is wrong with beets
why are they so red?


was super heating a wok with oil, then I poured in half boiled egg and wet beats
exploded and I threw beets all across room. Left red mess everywhere

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post your face when you didnt watch any anime today. here's mine
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i started watching a series that i really liked and i thought to myself "wow this would be even better if i have some beers while watching it" except i got too drunk and now i don't want to watch it anymore. i let the anime down. sorry anime


It's alright. There's always next time.

- Sincerely, Anime


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Temperature is still going up and down, but at least nature knows it's Spring.


Some trees around here thought it was Spring last Autumn when it was unreasonably warm. Sadly there's more confusion added to it with the temperature plunging. Thankfully I don't think we hit freezing, but it was close

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