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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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Welcome to Summer
Time of fire and smog

But also Lemonade!!!

This season, Summer ends on Saturday, Sep 23


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Summer means it's time to stay inside


Isn't that every season?


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More tree damage


Did it break anything?


Looks like we'll have to cancel the /qa/ poolside gravure shoot...



summer time is watermelon time
im eating watermelon


love watermelon
do you cut it into triangle slices or scoop it into balls
i really like triangle slices


I've never met a ball scooper


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hot and my fn key fell out


the nonfning key


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There is no such thing as a good browser


McKinsey, consulting firm, released some article/study on messuring developer productivity and basically every proffesional dev is calling it full of shit




Heard about the split-brain research a bit ago from youtube videos.
The idea is that to treat seizures one procedure is to cut the junction between the left and right brain sharing info. So if one half of the brain is showed one image and the other another, then the patient will answer with one thing, but draw the other, because language is on one hemisphere and motor skills on the other. That's somewhat believable, but what was off is that the patients testimonies for why the did the action.
According to the studies the reasoning for why they drew one thing and said the other is always a rationalization that breaks logical continuity. But this doesn't make sense. You should realize that you made a logical error right away and say with your language brain that you have no idea why. But according to the researchers it's always that the client stops treating things logically. Makes no sense.

So it looks like this study that is one of the basis for explain consciousness might not even be reproducible and might have just been theatrics like a ton of other psychological research done in the mid 20th century.


Some other contradictions that haven't been explained


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/sum/mer is coming to an end this year. If you have anything else to say, do it now because this board will be closing for the year soon!


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Even though it seems unlikely, I'm leaving this message of hope for things to have improved in Myanmar by the time this board reopens

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