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File:floppy seal.mp4 (2.11 MB,480x854)


video footage of anonymous doing the bed -> bathroom -> computer commute




seals are /win/ter animals


not if they stay cooped up all year posting on the internet


I wonder how thick their skin is. Flopping over cement seems like it would be super painful


they flop on ice in the arctic, i'm sure wet pavement is nothing to them


blobby boy


File:92223c6c46cf980fc090641978….jpg (212.45 KB,1240x1754)

Fueled up on crisps and ready for a long kissu sesh.


neeto taimu


another thread that could have been on /qa/



Would have had to change it to:
>Is this footage of anonymous?
To which the obvious answer is:


stop this meme


your penis could be on /secret/


They have thick skin and also a lot of blubber, he'll be fine.


He looks kinda tasty


You shouldn't eat carnivorans, I guess you can if you want but it's not right and I don't support it.


If you can kill something, you should eat it.


DON'T eat friends friends are not food

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