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File:R-1726263953373.jpg (4.05 MB,4000x3000)


corm is 焼く'd


File:R-1726265428371.jpg (4.36 MB,4000x3000)

result: bretty good


what in tarnation
a shab went and bit mah corns




>corm is 焼く'd


wow, you ate the cob


I noticed that after I took the bite... Didn't realize that my teeth would just eat straight through it with no resistance (´・ω・`)


File:[HT] Hidamari Sketch x 365….png (179.8 KB,320x294)

What, you don't grill your corm and brush them with butter before eating?


File:[MiG_MuX] Pripara NCOP - 0….png (2.42 MB,1920x1080)

I buttered them before grilling. Also funny thing I noticed with the charcoal grill. The first time I tried this with just charcoals it took forever. Either the charcoals stopped being hot enough and needed to be reignited or the heat buildup was too slow. In the end it only reached around 400f and could cook the corn slowly.

This time I tried something a bit different. I thought that maybe the thing that was lacking was that there was no fire to really heat things up, since charcoal just smolders. So I went to The Home Depot, picked up an axe, and then I went to the untossed branch pile in my backyard and grabbed a branch to hack into pieces. Using those pieces alone with some good firestarter materials I started lit it and that blazed for probably a good half an hour or more, didn't check how long exactly because I left it to burn out after I finished cooking. Also the temps inside with burning wood was able to exceed 600f so that's a much better option if you want to try cooking with a non-gas grill. Or maybe ideally it's a mix of both, but chopping wood is fun.


>before grilling
trips of what the fuck
i'm used to boiling corn and THEN buttering them and looking it up that's what every recipe says, i've never heard of the inverse even with grilling


that does not look 焼いた'd at all... its white
try 焼きing it naked over flame, black not-burnt corn tastes great


Yeah that was probably the least grilled one, others were charred on the ends, guess the fire just wasn't even enough.


hi laala


File:[MiG_MuX] Pripara NCOP - 0….png (897.22 KB,1118x629)



File:R-1726331938537.jpg (4.7 MB,4000x3000)

This time, for better results, picked my own corm instead of going to the grocery store


country girls make do


File:Cormm.jpg (78.26 KB,750x600)

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