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File:R-1726904209644.jpg (176.75 KB,1920x1080)


lets ruin an edm song by adding lyrics

"uh yeah turn it up pump up the party it's all about having a good time in the night break it down turn it around you know what's true it's all about you yeah i'm all about the experience you know it yeah transcend the beat and feel the mood that makes you groove just lose yourself in the reality that is full wave on top making the craze crystal clear and escape the open scene that pumps up the party because I know it in you to be true whatever it is you do"


oops I misused the quotation mark


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (296.72 KB,1920x1080)

Huh? Isn't EDM a dance genre or something?


Yes. It would be nice if all EDM songs didn't have vocals.


Shut up I like dance tunes with vocals and lyrics and there _is_ an ocean of wordless techno for stuck up dorks like you so what are you complaining for


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almost all music would be better without vocals


Isn't EDM with lyrics just Euro beat?


EDM is just electronic music aka techno. Eurobeat is just a sub-genre of EDM.

Do you believe in castles in the sky?


we should leave vocals behind and learn to communicate telepathically like the japanese

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