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Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:Fuji TV (480p)_20230104_11….jpg (173.51 KB,852x480)


This is probably too niche of a hobby, but that's what the seasonal boards are for right?

Anyway, linear television from around the world is available to anyone with a media player that can support playlists and an internet connection. It can be a fun thing to do when you're bored and having nothing to watch.

There's a lot of filler channels run by governments and stuff, but there's some cool and odd stuff as well. For example, even though I know little-to-no Japanese, Fuji TV usually is entertaining enough as the programming is usually positive. The J-sports channel have call-in shows about obscure sports late at night.

https://github.com/iptv-org/iptv This github has everything to get started. https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/countries/jp.m3u are the Japanese channels, which is what Kissu will probably be most interested in. https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/countries/kp.m3u North Korea has some channels available too, as I know there's some interest in that here.

With how saturated mass media is these days, it surprised me that a lot of isolated, remote countries like the aforementioned North Korea or Mongolia actually have all their channels go off the air (or offline, in this case?) and I'm looking forward to seeing what the television in those countries is like.


File:Fuji TV (480p)_20230104_11….jpg (307.93 KB,1596x898)

Overdramatic "Oishiiiii!!" sushi show.


Weird to think there's entire Japanese imageboards dedicating to ogling TV hosts


I don't think I got the context. What's IPTV?


Its basically TV broadcast over the internet. All you really have to do is open one of those playlists with a media player


I occasionally flick through the jp one to see what's on. Like you I don't know Japanese but it's probably good for learning and it's interesting sometimes. There's new and rerun anime as well.

However a problem is that the playlist links can die, recently I noticed the animax one is not working anymore. Also timezones are annoying for this sort of thing.

Never realized there was a North Korea one but now I'm interested


North Korean TV feels like something that would be on a TV set in your dreams


The DPRK still does shortwave propaganda programs, they really are a cold war time capsule. The radio noise makes it sounds like an analog horror production


Ohh, wow. I haven't done anything like this in a looooong time. As in, "broadband recently came to my area" long time. I wonder if there's any channels for animals or documentaries.
This seems like a perfect 'white noise' thing for when you're doing something else and want something to break up the monotony. This reminds me, someone linked here (or maybe IRC?) someone that made their own homemade Simpsons channel that they could turn to on their TV. I wonder if there's some way to combine these two things. What if we could make our own kissu-themed channel... Ehh, that's probably a lot of work...

>This is probably too niche of a hobby, but that's what the seasonal boards are for right?
For future reference I think this could have gone on /qa/, too, but it's up to one's choice. Generally speaking


oops, forgot to write the rest of that post at the end.
Generally speaking, the only rule is that more potentially controversial (less comfortable) real life stuff goes on seasonal boards so people can hide the board if they want to focus on hobbies and escapism


File:Korean Central Television ….jpg (153.62 KB,720x576)

Kim Jong Un unveiling some military equipment, if he wasn't in it, I would've thought this was a VHS recording from the image quality.


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File:Korean Central Television ….jpg (109.5 KB,720x576)

They love their pageantry, don't they?
The ovation for this brought older members of the audience to tears, I think they're veterans. They do Seig Zeon style chants too. This would be cool/touching if the situation wasn't so bad there.


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Another member of the audience in tears. I wonder if she is proud of her country/military or if she's upset that they're building/purchasing vehicles when there's food insecurity.


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File:Korean Central Television ….jpg (127.01 KB,720x576)

I don't know if the broadcast is distorted but his voice also sounds pitched up. I wonder if it's on purpose.


File:C1_20230105_040457.639.jpg (133.1 KB,1148x646)

The mongolian state broadcasting feed is too poor, but oddly enough they were showing samurai jack.

Pretty girl on Mongolian drama. C1's one of the channels coming in in HD from there. I'll try again later.

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