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Food prices are rising again on February 1st.


bunny bunny


Western economy have become a lot less agrarian though the US still produces a lot.


are you in canada? im in it and yea food is just going up and up.. almost every food item costs atleast a dollar or two more than last year


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I am Scandi. Currently a 250g bag of coffee costs around 6 to 7 USD.


Very funny to me how everyone was being possitive this month and last, now we're back into the doomsday cycle.


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My reaction to rising food prices


They were? I've been expecting shortages for some time now.
die teen


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Wonder how much the scarcity of eggs plays into the rising cost of food. Since we use them in pretty much everything. Also wonder if vegans are at all effected by this....


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>Also wonder if vegans are at all effected by this....
Melons cost 60% more now.


from what I read, organic food prices are less of a premium because their proccesses are less material intensive


Vegan specialty products are way up... some wheat sausages I like went from 4.50 to 7.00 USD


do they really make the meat alternatives with gluten protein...


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Some people starting grow stuff out of boredom in recent years, but it could be an economical thing, too. Space is limited for people in apartments and such, but you could grow stuff like fresh herbs in little pots. If you're in Northern hemisphere to time to start looking at plants and buying them is soon or even now as Spring approaches in 60 days or so.


I don't trouble myself with such trivial matters, mum does all the shopping.


Good thing beans and rice is delicious. $10 feeds me for a whole week.


Norm problems, basically


But that's not very healthy.


Is she cute


She is in her wedding photos, but now she is fat so rising food prices will be good for her.

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