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File:[Nep_Blanc] A Certain Scie….jpg (149.49 KB,1920x1080)


(going to avoid greening an entire post)

Doctors in Japan say a man’s accidental ingestion of a toothpick left him dealing with months of pain in his back and leg—all caused by said toothpick getting stuck in his rectum. Once the toothpick was removed, the man’s troubles fortunately went away.

The strange medical tale was detailed this week in BMJ Case Reports. According to the report, the 67-year-old man first reached out for help when he had been experiencing two months of pain along his right buttock and thigh. MRI scans suggested that the source of this pain was stenosis around the lower back, a condition where the spaces within our spine begin to narrow—this narrowing can then pinch the surrounding nerves, leading to painful or numbing sensations. Though stenosis can be managed conservatively with drugs and physical therapy, the doctors opted for surgery to treat it.

When they performed a CT scan on the man just before the operation, though, they found a surprise in his rectum: a 7-centimeter-long rod eventually determined to be a toothpick that the man had accidentally swallowed. Six days after the find, the man’s pain in his right leg quickly got worse, prompting doctors to remove the toothpick from its hiding place as soon as possible. Thankfully, after they did, his pain went away and hasn’t come back since, all but confirming the toothpick as the real cause of his symptoms.

Most of the time, when a foreign body in the rectum stirs up trouble, it’s because someone intentionally put it there, for whatever reason. But it’s not unheard of for hardier materials, like animal bones, introduced into the body the more common way to wind up stuck there. In this case, the doctors theorize that the pointy end of the toothpick had ended up right next to one particular branch of nerves in the spinal cord, causing enough pressure to account for the localized symptoms along the man’s right butt and leg.

The exact series of unfortunate events that led to this man’s case is “extremely rare,” the doctors wrote, but “physicians should be mindful to avoid misdiagnosis.”


File:[HorribleSubs] Net-juu no ….jpg (77.72 KB,1280x720)

A cautionary tale against being an idiot and swallowing toothpicks.


you never know, maybe someone hid it in his pills


This one time I accidentally fingered my anus when going to the bathroom because when I whiped my finger slipped and went up my butt I didn't cut my nails right so I ended up cutting the inside of my anus.


Oh when I went to the doctor and explained the wiping accident he said it "wasn't appropriate for such cheeky jokes" and said "be more careful if your being sexually active" I said I wasn't so he handed a LGBTQ support pamphlet to me. I think he was being the cheeky one.


Rude to just assume you were a flaming prancing lala homo man like that...


I trust doc's judgement
the man has a degree


File:[Asenshi] Kujira no Kora w….jpg (162.08 KB,1920x1080)

In retrospect how did this actually occur if you were just wiping...


Thin paper, I hope.


Japanese space age toilets should become the norm so that we can avoid such unfortunate accidents in the future. Nobody want to be falsely diagnosed as a homo gayman.


Are those ones that come with bidets? Because the world could certainly use bidets becoming the norm.

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