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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:Pon-de-ring.jpg (58.73 KB,800x600)


The pondering pon-de-ring!


File:e75f1ee61232486fe1649ce24c….png (25.81 KB,1220x737)

pondering pondering!


Give addicted to pondering 2D waifu.


Making food this decorative seems like such a waste to me. I'll take the simple but tasty stuff over this elaborate stuff that you're surely paying extra for


It's a joy to eat good looking food


The green ring looks like its made out of plastic.



They opened up a few stores in my area dedicated to making Mocchi Donuts and have all these weird flavors for it. It wasn't that great in my opinion, it just tasted like a deep fried dough fritter glazed in sugar.

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