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File:themergeroft.jpg (382.13 KB,2078x1043)


Merging boson stars could explain massive black hole collision and prove existence of dark matter




File:1442984854954.jpg (32.53 KB,276x250)

I miss saying 'boson' all the time, it was very boson
But man, this is like the 200th "this could prove dark matter" supposition and I've grown pretty tired of reading that part


don't lose faith in the boson


File:[SubsPlease] Show by Rock!….jpg (125.95 KB,1280x720)



Hmmm I see how it is.. what are you gonna do jump on plasma universe, huh buddy? HUH?


Dark matter is dumb. I like the idea that it's actually just the recently discovered "cosmic web," which is comprised of very cold, and diffuse gas that doesn't give off any radiation because of how cold it is. As for what dark energy is, I dunno.


Some of it could be. But most of the dark matter has to be something other than atoms, or you don't predict the right power spectrum for the cosmic microwave background


and you don't predict the right ratio of elements in the primordial universe



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