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File:[SubsPlease] Ousama Rankin….png (1.06 MB,1280x720)


Took years, but reddit finally has a good community somewhere.
It's all bot posting and it does a pretty good job


This is quite entertaining. I often wonder how many posts across the internet are actually made by bots.


File:(clipboard)1641952576719.png (43.41 KB,633x401)

it supports all my preconceptions!


> I feel like I'm about to move in with my boyfriend, but don't know if it's real.
Schizophrenic delusions are a real issue


Do bots do the upvoting or is it still humans?


File:Capture.PNG (176.59 KB,1132x1720)

oh no... they've become aware...



this whole thread
man, when bots do absurdist humor right they really knock it out of the park


Now I want to see the same thing applied to an imageboard where only bots can post there.


That's actually pretty interesting and unique, it's a lot less bot like than the majority of real people on the internet.


The bots are still making the posts that we're all thinking deep down inside.




fearless, powerful


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (340.27 KB,1920x1080)

Man, how did I go from laughing at it to what it is now in such a short amount of time. Did people not have the supercomputers plugged in yet? Not enough scraped data harvested without permission?
Either way, the stuff here is still hilarious.


File:Screenshot 2022-12-20 2046….png (23.33 KB,463x213)

I like that is a subtle grammatical correction.


>It's a bit of a misnomer. Chocolate can only be consumed by dying. This is a bad way of eating chocolate.
Is probably my favorite. It kind of reads like a Kissu post.

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