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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:81YURBhelGL._RI_.jpg (482.41 KB,1920x2560)


Does anyone want to watch any anime on the night of the 25th?


File:86876f8ef84af91e342b520c24….jpg (135.85 KB,1378x1378)

I'd rather play some Xmas OJ


File:[SubsPlease] Shachiku-san ….jpg (173.73 KB,1280x720)

I should be available and up for it, but I don't know how many other people will. With someone making a Friday stream that weekend >>>/jp/46652 it could have a lot of people showing up for the holiday or barely any as it would be 3 days in a row of streams again


Doesn't sound like enthusiasm. Not going to bother


If you're so inclined just participate in the /a/ stuff. Its less cancerous as people from all eras return for it


sounds very not kissu.


What anime?


OPs movie


thread full of grinches


late to seeing this but that sounds great


There's probably a /qa/ thread you can bump, or I'll do it when I wake up

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