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File:[Cleo]Higurashi_no_Naku_Ko….jpg (446.23 KB,1280x720)


what was gou/sotsu even for?
the ending didn't feel like anything substantial
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (183.79 KB,1280x720)

To teach you the moral lesson that you should study.


To teach you that if you dislike studying you need to kill your friends, become a witch and create a perfect fragment where everyone is happy only to fuck off for the sea of fragments where you don't have to study and can stalk your witch girlfriend for all eternity. Basically fuck studying, Satoko is a hero.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (186.97 KB,1280x720)

Okay, the last episode was Higurashi finally. It feels like the second half of the episode of it was fan service for people like me unhappy with it. Throwing in 'You' there at the end was a dirty trick... but it worked.


The ending was good. It was the end of a pointless fight and expanded the cannon.


I think that's fine, but in terms of message and all a whole load of it was packed into the last episode and it kinda felt like retreading already tread grounds for the series in a way. I'm glad the Umineko connection is there though, maybe they'll do something new next time with Bern and Lambda instead of the usual Higu crew next time.


write a shit ending and then cover it up with the meme higurashi and make everything comfy, bravo ryukishi


File:[Erai-raws] Higurashi no N….jpg (97.81 KB,1280x720)

Wait, what's the "meme Higurashi?"


I mean the meme higurashi song, you know, that song


Dear You


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (153.41 KB,1280x720)

But how is a series of beautiful, emotional songs a "meme"? How could you disrespect such grandeur...


File:[Nii-sama] Higurashi no Na….jpg (628.23 KB,1920x1080)

I still can't get over how droopy JK Rika looks. I'm not surprised that Satoko became a yankee bombshell as she was already a titty monster as a loli, but there is just something strange about the way teenage Rika looks. It makes me wonder why they didn't just copy Bernkastel.

And speaking of Bernkastel, was it ever explained why Lambda looks the way she does instead of, you know, more like Satoko?


>And speaking of Bernkastel, was it ever explained why Lambda looks the way she does instead of, you know, more like Satoko?
I think they look pretty similar, honestly. The original VN sprite looks more like Takano when she was a child, though.


its the flagship higurashi song that they keep using, thats why its a meme, does not mean its bad


How does that make it a "meme"?

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