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File:Screenshot 2021-10-01 at 1….png (1.42 MB,1025x1029)



This is that puzzle arg thing, right? I think I'll just wait for other people to figure out the answer and then pretend I knew all along.


The video just shows a lot of the violent stuff from the new shows. Ehhh...


i already solved it
24 white circles
6 in each quadrants
let the largest one be 1 units in size and the others 2/3 and 1/3.
add their sizes and you get 16
the log of a quadrillion + 1 is 16 (in other words a quadrillion has 16 total digits)
i refuse to explain further


16 is 4^2 and if you take away the 1 from quadrillon+1 from 4 you get 3.

Illuminati confirmed


I feel like the "quadrillion" is important somehow. I can't quite put my finger on it. I am feeling myself getting gold fever, though.


it's a very long time

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