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/cry/ - When They Cry

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File:doushio.png (223.71 KB,532x504)



File:hornyka.png (173.71 KB,478x358)

bwaaatoraaa swaaaaannnn


gonna read this soon I swear.... this time for real... really... I might....


File:FAI-9TUVgAgY-Oi.jpg (622.94 KB,1881x1971)

/cry/ - Where The Witches Lurk


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File:Erika 1184.jpg (102.47 KB,550x672)

Ryukishi's next anime adaptation will feature lots of Erika.


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How about a spinoff mahou shoujo anime with Erika and Ange both fighting for Battler's penisheart? With lots of fanservice of course.


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That's the best thing I've ever heard. Imagine the mana transfers.


File:ONE MORE.gif (3.38 MB,500x500)


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When They Cry, I Sperm.

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