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File:rika belly.png (2.07 MB,2067x1447)


What do you think the December announcement will be? I'm guessing another anime since there's already a gacha. Maybe it'll be another 2 seasons of murdering again, but with a different character. Shion destroys reality because she doesn't like her hair ribbon?


File:1364260121368.jpg (36.64 KB,340x311)

they are adding Beato to the gacha, so I guess that it's finally time to milk umineko dry. I am expecting umineko gou or something dumb like that.


I'm hoping for a Kira like fanservice anime or something like that.


File:heavy feeding medic origin….png (131.96 KB,350x418)

Umineko and Higurashi hats in TF2.


After pubg spinoff? I can see it.


There's a battler/ronove mod for Spy and a Beato mod for Freak Fortress


File:FIlxE-paUAIJ5gH.jpg (243.25 KB,1240x1754)

So, what did they announce?


The fuck, I'm only now hearing about this.

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