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File:sexual violence.jpg (239.54 KB,1092x588)




5.8% of what?


Teppai didn't deserve what the witch gave him.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (193.03 KB,1280x720)

Teppei redemption arc was the only good part of gousotsu and Satoko ruined it.


Yeah, pretty much. I guess it was a good emotional thing to do to make her even more evil and petty


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no….webm (5.16 MB,1280x720)

get trolled tards


she trolled millions....


Very metaphorical


File:rena sparkle.gif (170.37 KB,424x500)

Satoko rolling around in the dirt while laughing maniacally is cute. I want to take her home with me. Rena should just take all of the witches home with her and fix everything. A happy ending for all.


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Kyuute modo Rena might actually be the most powerful character in all of WTC.


File:99159453_p0.png (1.61 MB,1500x1500)

She'd be unstoppable if she were a witch herself. A Witch of Cuteness, rounding up supernatural creatures to add to her collection. Perhaps she would even raise Kenta-kun to the position of Sorcerer of Fried Chicken, as her right hand.


File:rena witch.jpg (190.91 KB,1448x2048)

Without kyuuteness, it cannot be seen.

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