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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (184.98 KB,1280x720)


I think this all but confirms that the "random" L5 outbreaks in the other arcs weren't nearly as dictated by chance as one may have thought.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (152.27 KB,1280x720)

Those are just markers


Hope they don't go coloring each other too much with them, they may get ink poisoning!


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (137.61 KB,1280x720)

Now there are no buts.


Episode didn't really reveal much about the Satoko/Rika side, but it did paint a better image of Rina than I've ever had of her. Odd to think that in some arcs she sympathized with Rena and didn't try to scam her father.


>Odd to think that in some arcs she sympathized with Rena and didn't try to scam her father.
I think it's a situation like with Teppei where she's getting memory leaks from other fragments leading her to change her behavior.


I somehow doubt that. I'd think she'd be more on guard against Rena if she had her memories, since she'd be a complete stranger to her. Also Rina doesn't appear in the majority of arcs, so it's not hard to believe that this is what usually happens each arc, and it ends peacefully.


hate satoko


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (149.28 KB,1280x720)

The only thing she did wrong was care too much about her friends.


had the same thought but then I looked over at other sites and saw that people were surprised or weren't actually sure if satoko injected anyone or not. guess r07 needed to clear that up for the dummies

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