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Gotta wonder, with Satoko being insane and unafraid of death, what were her days at home really like with Teppei? I think the theory that she set up K1 to get bonked by him holds more credence now.


satoko is my favorite


Teppei was probably living in constant terror.


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Since she went back and experienced it with her supernatural existence, does that mean we should think of her as always having had the knowledge, even in the VNs? This is entering time travel territory and I can't really go along with it.
I'll keep thinking of everything before these last few episodes with Satoko as normal.


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No, in the meta chronology of Higurashi she did not have the knowledge she has now back in the original. Also it's tough to say whether or not when she went back to view each world whether she was a spectator in that world akin to Hanyuu, or if she was living as herself. However, it is fact that since the events of this arc so far precede Gou that everything past and including episode 1 of Gou has been with a fully aware Satoko with all the memories of her past lives. Remember, in chronology of Gou we still haven't moved past this scene.


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I think she seems to be living it. When she was first shown the Keiichi scene she was still her "regular" age and Keiichi couldn't see her. Yet, near the end of the episode she's back to being a kid when she says goodbye to Satoshi and does her eye thing. But, isn't she only allowed there in the 'winning' fragment, which she wouldn't need to relive? Or is this another time skip?


I think I've got it figured out. That first instance where she saw K1 beating Mion and Rena was just a vision from a kakera she was thrust into by Featherine. When she said she wanted to experience the same experience as Rika she was most likely put into each Kakera as a living Satoko. There's probably no rules as to what she's "allowed" to do since she's being allowed to do this by Featherine. Therefore since Featherine's power is perfect and she can traverse the meta with ease, she can allow Satoko to do whatever in whichever kakera she chooses. Either that or the scene with Satoshi takes place in one of the Gou arcs after Satoko is done with watching each Kakera.


I suppose it goes like this:
original game starts in hinamizawa
rika spends 100 years trying to escape
eventually succeeds at the end of saikoroshi
<satokowashi-hen starts here>
goes to st lucia with satoko
satoko hates it
featherine offers looping powers to satoko
satoko kills herself to go back to the end of saikoroshi
keeps trying to stop rika from leaving
studies rika's 100 years of struggle
EVIL PLANS, gou arcs 1 to 4
<you are here>


I really really really doubt she was put in any kakera as anything more than a ghost
we have not seen her traverse the sea of fragments or change anything important, she just checked out what featherine brought her and keiichi couldn't see her
the part where she visits satoshi is weird though it doesn't fit


Yeah, I agree. The thought sort of occurred to me halfway through writing that post though, so I just finished my thought and appended that to the end. The satoshi part, however, does fit I think since we can most likely assume that during her traversal through the kakeras she figured out his location, and figured out how to get to him. It makes sense that with this knowledge she could just visit him in the hospital at any time if she put her mind to it. It could probably have been in the first arc of Gou for all we know.

Also now that I think about it, when they found Rika and Satoko dead in the first arc, Satoko most likely killed Rika.


wait i am retarded
they go back to the start of the game, not saikoroshi
but it's not regular time travel, it's new fragments
I agree with both things


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The thing is, though, is why bother changing her appearance back to being a kid if she's a ghost?


Uhhhhh, I didn't say she was a ghost, I said she probably visited Satoshi while in one of the Gou arcs. If you mean when she was sent back to the events of the original Higurashi, maybe it's because that's how she views herself in that time. It's not like her body has any set age in the meta world.


Well, I guess it's possible that it's just a preference...


She probably hates her booby body since all it does is remind her of St. Lucia...


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Teppei is a good boy who did nothing wrong. It's all Satoko's fault.


File:Teppei saves Rika.mp4 (1.91 MB,320x240)

He's a hero.

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