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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (185.64 KB,1280x720)


Something I've been meaning to ask for weeks but always forget. Can anyone explain how Rika and Satoko's abilities are able to manifest concurrently? Up until now only Rika was looping, and my personal interpretation was that each fragment exists as a possible reality, but is only actually set into motion when Rika (or her consciousness, rather) enters it, since she is not shown to be able to live through multiple fragments at the same time. Now that Satoko has become a looper, how do her powers affect Rika and vice-versa? It seems at this point in time Satoko is more powerful and so I assume she would take precedence, but then what happens when Satoko resets while Rika is still alive, like the finger snapping thing in this episode?


Her powers themself have no direct effect on Rika just by them being present, however since last episode Satoko decided to ask Featherine to make it so both she and Rika's looper consciousness inhabit the same fragment at the same time. Meaning that while her powers don't effect Rika, she can effect Rika using her abilities. I'm not sure what happens when Satoko resets while Rika is still alive, but maybe I could be wrong, and Featherine's authority makes it so Rika's consciousness is transported to the same fragment that Satoko loops into.

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