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/cry/ - When They Cry

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hat silhouette which
Began to grow distant
Will never turn back again

Even if the long night were to end,
The errors and the sins
Won't fade away—now or ever

With the setting sun,
The darkness creeps in closer
Dyeing all that is pure with black

The more I wonder, I ask—
Why did you test me with pain?

All I ever wanted
Was just one single thing—
Just that smile

All those days of making mistakes
Again and again—
We could take them apart
And put them back together in place

Even if you lose your way,
I'll set off to come see you
So come, wipe away all those
Heartbreaking tears

Before we even realized,
We had long forgotten
That tender voice of yours—
So let us search for it

If only we could bring ourselves
To take each other's hands again;
One more time—
Let's make a promise to each other

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