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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (115.65 KB,1280x720)


Give up kissu, Special Agent Satoko's got you cornered now!


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no….webm (4.35 MB,1280x720)

Wasn't the most thought producing episode, but man Sotsu has been great in entertaining so far. This scene in particular had me hit my desk laughing because of how quick Satoko was not only to draw her gun, but to also hit Mion with a gun pointed at her head.


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Satoko is a bad girl.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (158.48 KB,1280x720)

It's probably not possible for the Syndrome to infect Satoko so much that it goes across time and space through each fragment and even to the extra-dimensional space, right? Satoko is just an evil sadist that is enjoying the spectacle her "friends" suffering and dying as a direct result of her malicious actions.


I don't think you understand... by becoming the miko of Featherine she's immune to the virus. So she's not affected by it throughout these routes at all.


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>Satoko is just an evil sadist that is enjoying the spectacle her "friends" suffering and dying as a direct result of her malicious actions.
Yes, she's a witch. Witches do that sort of thing.


Oh, I don't remember any "immune to virus" part... I was more meaning that it's not like Takano's situation and I don't see any road to redemption


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just curious what the end game of Satoko. the show makes watcher hate her more and more, it makes me uncomfortable


Is this Homura vs Madoka?


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (134.95 KB,1280x720)

Her end game is keeping Rika in the village forever and never having to study ever in her life again.


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This is just going to be 10 episodes of "X went crazy because of Satoko", isn't it? I don't really care about the mysteries since I already read the VN. I Just want to see more seacat stuff. Mainly Satoko and Rika becoming witches because I am a fan and I want to be serviced.


kinda takes away from it when they established satoko's motivations last season before getting into it this one.


>I already read the VN
But these stories are separate from the VN?


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They are, but I feel that the general plot is too similar to the original mysteries. Wataakashi just felt like they replaced Shion with Mion and copy pasted the rest from the original.


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Satoko is me
the bat is a bat
the ball is Satoko's head


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You're doing the world a favor, Anonymous. Thank you for your service.

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