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File:VsIu4sO.png (98.81 KB,736x136)


what does type-moon have to do with higurashi?


Ryukishi07 and Nasu are buddies probably


I looked it up and found a reddit post discussing ep 8 of Gou

>It's because the teacher from Higurashi is a parody of Ciel and—though that's fine for a doujin game—they got permission from Type Moon when it came to the anime.
>Apparently they even have the same seiyuu: Orikasa Fumiko (although she only voiced Ciel in the Tsukihime anime as Ciel was recast in Melty and Carnival Phantasm).


Think it's just a doujin-guy-making-it-big kind of thing? That's a good question, but I have no idea


Oh, duh, yeah that makes sense. Huh, I figured they seemed so similar but I didn't know he did it on purpose.


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Well I mean... Ciel-sensei...


Goddamn, I never even thought about that.


File:EZLSvXeU0AEZ9hG-orig.jpg (92.55 KB,1334x750)

You guys didn't know about this? I assume you haven't watched the Rei OVA then. Can't make it any more obvious.

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