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/cry/ - When They Cry

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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (142.95 KB,1280x720)




File:1608826069914.jpg (390.17 KB,1280x2144)



File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (98.43 KB,1280x720)

Since the show seems like it's finally starting after 30 episodes... yes I am!


File:satoko witch.jpg (112.45 KB,1280x720)

Yes, I am entertained. This is the most hilarious thing I've watched in ages, I love it.


File:Fea_defa1.webp (44.72 KB,437x480)

cool outfit satoko


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (146.17 KB,1280x720)

Yes and no, mostly no. It's kind of fun to see the action scenes and I guess there's value just to be in Hinamizawa again, but I don't feel like this is Higurashi. Higurashi was about trust, camaraderie, love and struggling against fate. Each character had flaws and grew through the story. It was a very emotional thing and that is what I valued most about it. I felt connected to the characters and felt despair or happiness when they did. I can listen to a song from the VN and feel my heart being crushed again. Just listening to one of the VN songs will instantly transport me back and I have to pause what I'm doing to soak it in.
But this? I don't feel anything.


oops I kind of repeated a sentence there about the music


This anime sucks.

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File:01Erika.png (330.6 KB,550x600)

I think the problem with it being tied to Higurashi is that it draws comparisons to Higurashi instead of its sequel Umineko. The themes of Higurashi are still prevelant towards the original series, but with Gousotsu it's been more about the disconnect and loss of humanity of the loopers. It peered its head in Tsumihoroboshi with Rika's "I'm done with this world's Rena" scene, and in Gousotsu it's amplified by Satoko using looping as a means to an end without care for who she gets caught up in her antics since those around her are never really hurt, given that they're reset come the next timeline. To that end I think Sotsu did a good job in showing the gradual decline of Satoko, with the culminating scene of this being her killing off what little consideration towards her actions she had left.


>The themes of Higurashi are still prevelant towards the original series, but with Gousotsu it's been more about the disconnect and loss of humanity of the loopers. It peered its head in Tsumihoroboshi with Rika's "I'm done with this world's Rena" scene, and in Gousotsu it's amplified by Satoko using looping as a means to an end without care for who she gets caught up in her antics since those around her are never really hurt, given that they're reset come the next timeline. To that end I think Sotsu did a good job in showing the gradual decline of Satoko, with the culminating scene of this being her killing off what little consideration towards her actions she had left.
One of the things I enjoyed the most about Gou/Sotsu was the focus on how time-looping gradually changes the looper's sense of morality and the value of not only their own lives, but the lives of non time-loopers. I also find it interesting that the perfect Hinamizawa Satoko worked so hard to create just so she could spend time with Rika there forever was never even used by her at all and she abandoned it out of boredom almost immediately to chase after Rika in an eternal game of hide and seek. Neither of the witches got what they wanted in the end and will never really have their selfish dreams fulfilled for all eternity, condemned to a witch's hell for abandoning their humanity.

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