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File:1372720863165.png (931.34 KB,1280x720)



They made an opening song or something out of that WcDonalds trend. I gotta say I kind of hate it, although anything that stinks of corporate I kinda hate so it's nigh impossible for me to like it. Maybe /jp/ is able to derive some sort of pleasure out of it.


File:C-1714579511677.png (600.51 KB,759x718)

Did that one Russian whatshisname artist work on this?


Oh I know her. I'm not entirely against corporate marketing but this whole campaign is too much. Mostly because it reminds me how since the pandemic, anime has been going through another boom in the west and I haven't been able to adapt to it.


File:waterfox_RMPfTBcSme.png (841.34 KB,826x405)

I can't quite understand it. They made sure to use non-Japanese artists to design stuff, but then they used Pierrot? It reminds me of the French (I think) anime imitation stuff on Nickelodeon in the 00s like Total Spies and Martin Mystery. It's obviously meant to be Japanese, but in a way that's uhh... less Japanese? I really don't know what they were thinking. That 3 second clip with the redhead that aired in Japan will be remembered more than all this stuff.

The Ilya guy that was popular to use in AI tagging early on, yeah. He can really only do one face and since it's a non-Asian style with more detail it's quite a problem.


Oh yeah, this campaign. I'd forgotten about it: >>>/win/2838
You can tell the video a collection of its different mini-projects by how >>74770 contrasts so heavily with the rest, like >>>/win/2906.
It's a grabbag for sure.


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Is this the McDonald's face?


I couldn't watch it all even though it's only one minute long.

It's just so... Corporate is one way to describe it and it's accurate but there is something else as well. Like cultural appropriation or something.

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