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File:1693489873038925.jpg (147.29 KB,1280x720)


Kurwa pierogi
Kielbasa piwo


God I could go for some kielbasa and eggs right now. That's like the only polack food I know. Oh and the donunts for Fat Tuesday.


coś tam kurwa gówno


File:[ASW] Chainsaw Man - 06 [1….jpg (294.86 KB,1920x1080)

You know about kielbasa but not pierogi? I feel like it's their only dish that's actually popular since everything else has a weird and hard to pronounce name.


File:[izumi konata patchouli kn….jpg (86.6 KB,650x379)

I like sausage


Meaning wieners, or something squishy like liver sausage?


I've never had a pierogi, I had Bierocks though, goddamn I could go for a Bierock right now, it's like a white castle in a pasty form.


File:__hiiragi_kagami_izumi_kon….png (246.96 KB,600x439)

Uhh... sausage.
Wieners I guess


File:584b8543b40aecd3fefa6b0530….png (10.7 KB,400x400)

Isn't liver sausage a spread?


i'm literally having zur for breakfast today


Nürnberger are best




File:wieners.jpg (201.02 KB,873x480)


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Cirno looks weird


File:kurwamac.jpg (13.65 KB,311x482)

Kurwa mać

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