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File:C-1714599945184.png (507.28 KB,540x736)


I hereby renounce my lolicon ways.
One (1) hag, please.


God damn that's a nice hag.


File:erika eyes.jpg (102.58 KB,500x500)

Hags are usually just girls my age.


File:[HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no O….jpg (77.15 KB,731x720)

That's just a cow...


File:[Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 06 [….png (1.47 MB,1280x720)

As you should, as you should.
I hope Rin's mom makes an appearance this season


the free use hag roulette is open for entry


File:1706810215811956.gif (1.64 MB,498x482)

Ew, hags are gross!


i can smell that picture


Day 2 of not drinking alcohol.
I am beginning to crave the cheap swill depicted in anime. After watching an episode, I can barely remember what happened. All that is left in my mind is the vivid impression that there was a can that I ought to have gotten my hands on. I am hallucinating its smell. Its taste. It hurts. It hurts so much.


File:[SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome….jpg (53.26 KB,1280x720)

Your hag wants to be a loli. She'll be sad if you renounce your lolicon ways because she'd rather be doing it when she's small.


still got big hag feet there


File:[Erai-raws] Kaii to Otome ….jpg (136.74 KB,1920x1080)

Flatsos mad


File:volition.png (1.1 MB,720x1000)

Stay strong. You're better than this. You can beat addiction with willpower. Just keep going a little longer and you'll be okay.


It has been brought to your attention that you’re an alcoholic. And that it’s a sickness. And it’s killing you. You're crawling on your knees through life, your booze-filled belly dragging on the ground, your brain now fuzzy, now in overdrive, your hair sticking together with today's cold sweat and yesterday's vomit. Perhaps they’re right. Anything is better than this. Even bone-dry reality itself. Maybe you can quit?


File:tub.jpg (84.95 KB,1920x1080)


File:99167096_p0.png (4.78 MB,2480x3507)

Hanyuu-sensei licky lick lick.


File:[SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome….jpg (264.97 KB,1920x1080)

As a loli, flat as a board. As a JK, a bit developed. And then suddenly as a cake humongous boobers. That's some magical development in and of itself.


File:School uniform breasts.png (1.82 MB,1439x1434)

She was super pretty as a JK with her ponytail, too!


File:glasses character.png (174.44 KB,776x614)

I wish she wore her glasses as a JK.


Is it possible for the same person to be a fat OL and a flat LO?


Is her show any good?


File:milk.jpg (397.71 KB,1280x720)


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (261.69 KB,1920x1080)

It's well known that we prefer older women around here, you know.
I remember a /poll/ thread asking if people preferred lolis or cakes and the it was about 900 votes for cakes and 1 vote for loli because someone misclicked. Very conclusive.


File:1a0a97ddd832012d1c8533f306….jpg (261.81 KB,1365x2048)

Fat late 20s/early 30s alcoholic looking for a fat late 20s/early 30s alcoholic wife.


the real oddity is how she grew so huge


Goddamn she's really cute.


She is NOT fat!!


She has the right amount of fat.



a cursory glance at the boorus shows that there is an above average ratio of paizuri paizuri artwork for this character
i approve


File:C-1714828207494.png (18.63 MB,4928x7614)

There is some nice fan art


File:__ogawa_sumireko_kaii_to_o….png (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB,1500x2154)

Goddamn this hag is sex.




File:[SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurag….jpg (263.63 KB,1920x1080)

my oshi and her ko


File:C-1715520367237.png (Spoiler Image,771.64 KB,1200x1800)



File:C-1715520390094.png (Spoiler Image,853.19 KB,1200x1800)



do NOT care if the hag had sex or a kid she is the PUREST idol


File:[ASW] Kaii to Otome to Kam….jpg (788.25 KB,1920x1080)



File:[ASW] Kaii to Otome to Kam….jpg (663.04 KB,1920x1080)


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