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File:[RESubs] Higurashi no Naku….jpg (374.83 KB,1920x1080)


As a reminder, /cry/ will be opening up again for the month of June so if you've been procrastinating about finishing up reading stuff or whatever, do it in May!


I am NOT procrastinating! I am reading it as fast as possible!




I'm up to the beginning of the fourth VN. In the all-cast review session at the end of the third one it said that there was going to be an 'investigation arc' afterwards but I guess plans changed if the first four VNs are called the question arc and the last four are called the answer arc.
At some point I'll write my theories at this stage of having read the first three, maybe revise them after reading the fourth, and save them to post when /cry/ opens. I don't know if I'll manage to read the entire answer arc before then.


File:[RESubs] Higurashi no Naku….jpg (201.97 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm... two different people reading through it? As it currently stands /cry/ has a rule permitting unspoilered spoilers, but that could perhaps be updated since we're certainly not watching Gou/Sotso "live".
I'd have to go through and edit a bunch of OPs, though. Hmm....


>Hmm... two different people reading through it?
pretty sure there are but I posted both >>74824 and >>74832.
dont worry about editing the OPs just leave it as is

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