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File:mov_mindgame_2633.jpg (117.75 KB,1200x630)


I'm streaming Mind Game !!!

It's a 2004 movie by Masaaki Yuasa that is very in his typical style!
It's very close to being his first major animation work and was his first movie!

Please tune in, in one hour (7PM EST) at https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri !!!


Streaming after OPEDs3 is done!


Streaming in 10 minutes!


Got my cheap pizza and a Stella Artois


got a cup of water and some cashews


Stream starting!!!!


It was certainly a movie


File:[SubsPlease] Utawarerumono….jpg (280.44 KB,1920x1080)

I like the first part, but after the whale thing happened I really checked out mentally


if only haku were there


if only oshtor was there


Plotwise it was quite a lot less flashier than I expected. First part is, okay, guy gets a second chance at life kills a dude and runs away from the yakuza with his crush and another girl and that's a cool setup, but then they get into the whale and it's identical to any other instance of people getting stuck inside a whale and there's really no point to it, it totally drops the plotline for no real reason when it could've done so many other things and I don't understand why it went with this one specifically. They spend like half the movie in there or more, and I don't feel it added any more to its message than what the afterlife sequence did. They're fucking around, metaphorically and literally.
And then it ends. It shows you the possibilities of the future, and flashes of everyone's past lives as if it could've focused on that if it wanted to, it's simultaneously kind of superficial and one of the best parts of the movie because at least it implies a story. It was okay, the visuals were neat.

The manga doesn't seem to particularly popular, since sites like Bookwalker and Booklive are showing me some shoujo of the same name when I look up マインド・ゲーム, though it's there used on Amazon (also in French).

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