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File:118190388_p0.png (235.04 KB,791x929)


Are the norms for video game graphics too high for new indie studios to rise up and challenge AAA cash?


There are a lot of 'indie' games that were actually more expensive to make than retro stuff back then.


No, Unreal and Unity really level the playing field in that regard. There are some pretty good looking games that were made by small teams or even individuals. Manor Lords was being made by one guy, it got picked up by a publisher and I don't know if the dev spent that extra money on more people or not but regardless most of it was done by one person.

This is a really good time for indie games.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (255.45 KB,1920x1080)

It's a great time as the other guy said, it's never been easier. However, the flipside of that is that there's 50 new indie games released every day so good luck with that part.


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I think at this point the general consensus is that they're better when they're new and small. The big, flashy stuff doesn't make the experience any better and honestly is more likely to get in the way of the important bits than anything. And, of course, past a certain point they lose that fresh energy and circle the drain until they lose their original appeal and have to resort to increasingly pathetic and dishonest tactics to get any attention. The same is probably true of video game studios.


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I am completely enthralled by this brat.


File:C-1714843982572.png (331.24 KB,961x807)


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