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File:237531l.jpg (188.64 KB,423x600)


Was wondering if the author for Mushoku ever did anything else and his only other LN has flippin Asanagi for the art. And the MC is just orc Guts


I really don't like his style. I can't really explain it, it's just not something I enjoy looking at. I could tolerate a great story with it, but it would just be that, tolerating it instead of enjoying it


File:fcd441cea17d0b7dc1862e901….jpeg (763 KB,1100x1337)

his eyes look really really good and the girls are meaty
i like it better when it's less shiny but anyways it may be the associations


I agree that the eyes are good. But there's just something about the style that stops me from enjoying it. The skin shading? The face? I really don't know. He does seem better lately in giving girls a body that matches the breasts, though. Sometimes he was quite Raita-like.
Actually, now that I think about it Raita has the same skin thing that I find weird.
Two talented artists, but I just can't enjoy them.

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