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File:55388779_p0.jpg (3.27 MB,1190x1949)


Streaming Kizumonogatari in ~55 minutes!







File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

I think I'll watch some of this in bed


File:waterfox_LVNILFtChY.png (543.28 KB,831x514)

twitch's automatic quality settings are something else


I think I'll bite this in bed


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

This one was better than the first one we watched, but I'd say about 50 minutes of it could have been removed without losing anything


That's probably why they're doing a remixed version that's regular movie length.


File:cat really.jpg (100.27 KB,539x424)

He should've fondled those boobers. What an idiot.


Kizu is actually 3 different movies. This was stitched together enough to feel natural. Each one has a regular movie length of 1h and a couple mins.


What did you think of the stitched movie thing that combined them? I don't know of any other way so I'm curious


A valid way to watch it I guess, although 3 and a half hours can be too long for most people.


The biggest problem with stitching together Monogatari parts is that you're missing out on iterations of the OPs, the EDs, and the previews and those are like half the appeal. If you've never heard "Karen daze, Tsukihi dayo", you haven't seen Bake. If you haven't listened to Hakkin Disco all four times, you haven't seen Nise.


Half the appeal being a tenth of the episode sounds more like a condemnation than anything else.


File:zenbu.gif (889.7 KB,500x281)

Until you realize how many of anime's top most memorable OPEDs come from Monogatari despite the fact that they don't get repeated even half the number of times most of the other all-time greats do. They're just that good.

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