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File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (165.93 KB,1920x1080)


Is it better to space out good things or to engage with them as they are found?
I ask this because in the past 3 weeks I have finished Natsu no Arashi, Penguindrum, and Mahoromatic. I think less of Natsu no Arashi despite really liking it because I was quickly blown away by Penguindrum. Similarly I found Mahoromatic to be fun and well made, but lacked the impact the other two had. If I hadn't watched these shows so close together these connections wouldn't have been made. Is there a reason to not intentionally space things out or a way to take advantage of this?


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Probably a good idea to space out genres if you like a variety of them. I can't really think of anything else to say. I space stuff out, but it's more that I'm terrible at starting things.


>Mahoromatic to be fun and well made, but lacked the impact the other two had.

Maybe compared to them but Mahoromatic fucked me up bad


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I think it's good to space out the really good things so you can think on them for a while. Everything else however I don't really consider spacing out because if it doesn't reach the same peak as the great piece then that's its own fault.

Although it is a bit rough when I pick up a great anime as a seasonal and it sorta overshadows everything else I'm watching.


I think watching a bunch of great stuff back to back can cause your standards to go up and make it harder to appreciate the merely good stuff. But if you got blown away by Penguindrum I don't think you need to worry about that any time soon. Setting something aside because you think it'll be great is also a good way to never watch it. If you just watch stuff that interests you as you find it you'll probably be fine, just don't go on a quest to binge all the greatest examples of any medium you want to get invested in past the surface level.


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Penguindrum is great you just need to rewatch it.


Binge watching things is usually a mistake, it doesn't leave enough time to think about what happened and what might happen next, instead it's just mindless consuming.

It's the classic /a/ taste dilemma, if someone posts they like an anime you say it's shit, thereby demonstrating that you have superior taste. However, you must carefully suggesting any alternatives, otherwise you could be exposed to the same trick by another poster.


I feel like every frame of this scene has been posted here


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How many episodes in a sitting is binge watching?


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It depends on who you ask. Some say it's 4 episodes, others half a season, etc


It has Coalter of the Deepers as the ED, that alone makes it great.


I still cant decide if this was meant to be funny or add yuri tension


I'd say at least a season/cour a day to be proper binge watching, but I suppose any scenario where you devote all of your spare time to finishing one show could be considered binging.


Bump butt


File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (193.92 KB,1280x720)

Did you have a question?


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Would you play Akebi fnaf


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The only thing I know about those games is that they're horror-y and involve animatronics.
But, yeah, I guess if Akebi was in it I'd play it


You know, I think its amusing you say it was a voyeuristic look at youth and growing up and all that, when a lot of the fans themselves appear to be Japanese children, at least on Pixiv, with some of the edits they make.
These types of works are usually best enjoyed by wistful adults


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The inverse Precure effect maybe? I can easily see kids enjoying it since it's happy and beautifully animated. Suggestive stuff is only suggestive to adults, after all.


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It's challenging for me to binge watch and truly engage with a show these days so when the stars align and I actually run into something great I tend to just go with it and indulge. Spacing out is my default because watching one or two episodes max of something a day is all I have time, energy or attention span for currently.

Recently I got really into Texhnolyze for the first time, it hit me at the perfect time and I just got really invested in it and watched the latter half of the show in one sitting. I really do feel like the experience of diving deep into a single work is more important to me than juggling several at once. Some of the best experiences I've had with media were marathoning stuff in a cool, dark room, basically losing whole nights to a visual novel like F/SN or a high-tension dramatic show like Kaiji or Code Geass.

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