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File:trip among anons.jpg (297.92 KB,1920x1080)

 No.102706[View All]

What are /qa/'s opinions on avatarfags, namefags, and tripfags? Are they helpful or harmful towards an imageboard, and to what degree for each?
89 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Anon Anon!


Tru... might as well be shadow banned... we'll see


i ain't idphobic
just never seen a good name avatar tripfug is all


OSRS players were very newprayerphobic


it's ok, friend, i read your post, and it was a good post
i don't have anything relevant to add, though, other than that i related heavily to
>But returning to Anonymous, I'll admit sometimes I wish he was nicer to me.
i don't like talking about gemu with anonymous anymore


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That's fair, although some of that behavior you mention should be reported because it's not supposed to be on kissu. (like the 'subhuman' remark). Aggressive stuff in general shouldn't be here. Part of the acclimation process of people new to kissu should be that they stop treating everyone as their enemy until proven otherwise like they do on other imageboards.

Identity works strangely in small anonymous forums with a niche subject matter. You can easily identify the guy that started posting Pretty Rhythm stuff when he posts it since it's unlikely anyone else is currently watching it, but it's not like it should paint any opinion. Someone thought Elle was my avatar when I post her, but I'd love it if other people posted pictures of her more often (at least one other person does).
It's unfortunate that you really can't make lasting relationships with anonymity, but that's the other side of a coin of responsibility-free socializing. I can just choose to not engage with something or disappear for a few days and it's alright.




second try




Identifiable posters have a hidden downside regardless of what you think of them. Communities as varied as /k/, /sp/, Tohno and Meguca don't feel the same and lost users after famous users left


Cool oc
Read until the second paragraph and you sound like a tsundere...


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Bit of a mass reply, gomen.
Here's one I mentioned, catface:
It's genuinely good stuff.
>i don't like talking about gemu with anonymous anymore
Yeah, I get that. It's part of why I try to write about stuff I've liked to highlight it, like Kaminaki or to a lesser degree Lv1 Maou.
I agree it works weirdly at smaller scales, which is why I'm not really in favor of actively identityfagging on a site like Kissu. I feel like we have enough of that already.
I remember seeing several in screencaps, like one guy who had a forge and made a buncha weird weapons, right? Or a slav/soviet/something guy writing a bunch of YUO SEE, IVAN.
I do like me a good kerfuffle.


do you like my posts



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Of course!


You're on thin ice.


First, having a relevant name for one discussion does not make you an identityfag. It only becomes an identity when it follows you around. Temporary identification can be necessary for many types of discussion even on imageboards, but persistent identities are not, with the exception of the admin or occasionally an active moderator.

Second, anonymous communities are obviously not the only or best way to interact with people. A ton of stuff doesn't work without identities and that's why everyone is required by law to have one. You absolutely should use other forms of communication where you build identities. But those have downsides as well and you come to anonymous places to trade in those downsides for a different set of them because some things can only happen when you're all anon.

>at times it's as if those thousands of posts made on /qa/ over the last five years didn't mean anything
They don't. That's the point. If you don't like it, why are you on an anonymous site in the first place? A thousand great ideas doesn't make one stupid idea any less stupid. A professional demeanor at work doesn't make you any less of an annoying asshole when you're stumbling drunk. Learn to dissociate yourself from your posts. Nobody is attacking you as a person because they don't know you as a person, they're attacking the stupid fucking thing you just said. Use the opportunity to wipe out the undesirable faggot parts of yourself without consequence and become an enlightened poster who realizes that every post is a rebirth.


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>at times it's as if those thousands of posts made on /qa/ over the last five years didn't mean anything
Haven't read the rest of that super long post but wow, yeah, that's a terrible mindset to have towards your posts. I love how anonymity can make it so I can get into arguments/discussion with the same people over a multitude of topics and not have any more bias towards them in one argument vs the next. Just as well it let me argue in whatever thread without being criticized for my participation in it because of the topic/opener or whatever. All of the posts I made as Anonymous on /qa/ I feel no regret for having done as Anonymous since I know from the fond memories I have of posting and whatever knowledge I gained from discussion still remains with me.


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Now in my humble opinion, people do have a certain style and on smaller boards (or hell, generals) it's going to be easy to go "Yeah that's (You)"
I'm not saying namefags should be a thing, but named by the community feels like an honor I guess.


>an honor
99% of the time it's because you're an unrepentant shitposter who everyone hates. It's basically a way of telling you "get a trip so I can filter you".


Nah that's gay.


>It only becomes an identity when it follows you around.
That's an arbitrary distinction. The methods people use to identify you in the short term are the same used in the long term. Whether you're being given a name in a sole thread or across several, it all works the same. I'm also not talking about identity as something a person broadcasts, but as any kind of characteristic attributed to you as an individual. It doesn't even have to be true.

>Nobody is attacking you as a person because they don't know you as a person
You can say that's what happens in theory, but hardly in practice. Someone replying "you stupid fucking faggot neck yourself" is by definition a personal attack. Every time someone tries to discredit you without addressing your points, which is part and parcel of the imageboard experience, they're not attacking what you said. They're attacking you. This hardly ever happens to me when using a pseudonym or IRL, but in imageboards I have to anticipate it and write posts in a certain way or else others may simply reply that I'm trolling/baiting/a retard/etc. and ruin the possibility of an exchange.
It's especially frustrating when someone insults the entire community with comments like "/board/ is dead I hate all of you" and then someone has to jump in to counter that because it affects general perception, something that in turn molds what people are going to post there. People get personal with a collective, which sounds absurd but it keeps happening all the time, and it has consequences. It happened in this very thread.

>I love how anonymity can make it so I can get into arguments/discussion with the same people over a multitude of topics and not have any more bias towards them in one argument vs the next.
If you can't do that without anonymity, then that's a problem on your side of things. You should be aware of your own biases as much as others', they're important pieces of knowledge that can make a conversation flow much more smoothly when taken into account. Or as you wrote yourself:
>I think on some level there's a connection that people can form with a name that introduces some level of familiarity to posts (also the same with avatars) in that you can have some pre-existing knowledge of what they may think about certain topics.


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>I'm not gonna describe his behavior in detail
What is there to describe, I get belligerent and I don't know what really happens next.


Its almost nostalgic. Reddit is hardly invoked anymore, probably because they all lobotomized themselves with drugs


Reddit is still gigantic and relevant, but I'd rather not bring them up if possible.


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The redditors that were coming on 4chan aren't the same redditors that inhabit reddit now.
The new redditors are just faggots for the establishment. It's all astroturfed to hell. Lots of bots too, unironically.


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Yeah, it's kind of like school. Teachers remember the troublemakers whereas the good kids blend in and are largely forgotten about. With anonymity people have no need to identify the normal posters that are positive because they're the norm (it's why you would be in a thread to begin with), but quickly identifying a bad one can help people avoid investing their time in responding to trolls or otherwise taking a thread off track.
The other way to become known is to become an unusually beneficial and contributory member of a community, but that's obviously much more rare.

I'd like to think that people grew up, but in reality they obsess and derail over different things these days. It's still atrocious.


Now those redditors inhabit 4chan and the people who used to inhabit 4chan are scattered to the wind.


My historic view of tripfags has always been that they fucked off to shit up the sfw boards after FORCED_ANON put an end to them and their shenanigans on /b/.
That's not necessarily what a tripfag has to be. It wasn't what they were like on the textboards or early alternative imageboards. But that cultural inertia really dug in on 4chan and they were mostly awful to their core right up until their extinction.


And now the people who are coming onto 4chan/the greater imageboard sphere are these people with no respect for the ways of the past.


I'd argue most of the new people who come onto non-4chan imageboards have far too much reverence for the past


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Well a lot of that is because they get dripfed the "best-of" bullshit when in reality the best of imageboard come out in spontaneous things.


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Can't hold a trip to save my life


Her ass isnt that big


but it should be


Wasted on those lesbos


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this namefriend likes butts


Unless you have a good reason to identify yourself, you should always be anonymous.

The big advantage that imageboards have over chatrooms and forums, and the main reason they've outlived them, is that identity leads to seniority, and seniority leads to exclusivity. The tighter knit an identity-based community becomes, the harder it is for newcomers to join in and become a proper contributor to the site. Being anonymous, imageboards sidestep that completely, meaning they can stay fresh and continue as if they were new for as long as people are willing to use them and the staff is able to run them.


>have over chatrooms and forums, and the main reason they've outlived them
What is Discord for five hundred


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I like having control over the degree I am perceived. Attachment free, no obligations. Every interaction ends with an Irish goodbye.


Sometimes I don't even recognize posts I made a month+ ago.


I'm officially the king of qa


I automatically recognize posts I made years ago even if just random throwaway ones


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I am a little jelly of posters who can mention where they are from without risking getting labeled as "X country anon".


the friki anon


If it makes you feel any better jim2ch users thought I was korean dog because of my middling japanese


i don't find it to be much of a problem honestly


Saying you're from the USA barely counts as saying where you're from. Even giving your timezone means a bigger region than most countries. The equivalent to your country is probably something like saying you're from South Dakota.

Either way, as long as you only mention it when it's relevant it won't stick to you when you're anon. Just don't narrow it down so much that it counts as personally identifiable information.


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I like figuring out who posters are so that I can make better targeted funposts at them when the necessary time comes.

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